
There are huge sex discrimination issues if the jobs posted for The Wing members are exclusive, particularly for large or public companies. 

Women are favored in custody battles because of gender essentialist ideas about women being nurturing, designated caregivers with no other ambitions. (The same kinds of ideas that designate men as the preferred. breadwinner.) Most feminists want this to change, not only because it saddles women with the role of

Any man crying of inequality is just a fucking loser.  Given every single advantage yet still complains about inequality?? How pathetic are you?

So, the problem here is that you define Feminism by what you believe and not what it is, thus why people would decry you an MRA. From what you describe, I do believe you are a feminist, except for the fact you’re making yourself look like you hate women.

I think this is a scenario where [citation needed] applies. I agree on the divorce/custody issue, but many of the other statistics you’ve provided I’ve never seen evidence of. Especially your claim that women have higher incomes than men -- that seems directly contrary to the real numbers.

I really don’t think the correct answer to the question “If it is too dangerous for girls...” is to let girls in on the concussion train. Kids shouldn’t be playing football, full stop. It’s demonstrably, obviously dangerous, and it’s absurd that it’s been allowed to continue as long as it has.

I’m in favor of drug legalization but I’m not in favor of drug legalization *for teenagers*.

No one has ever claimed that feminism was about “all” inequalities. Hell, “fem” is right in the name. The ending of that sentence, “...that society is currently inequal [towards women]”, should be implied quite clearly by the context.

As other comments have stated, this article feels like a weird mix of bottom shaming, gay/queer community gate keeping, and trying to use ‘journalism’ and its role as the third pillar to excuse shitty discourse.

Please do not publish the anatomically incorrect dolls the Forced Birthers use to inculcate their lies about the development of a fetus.

He’s mine 😬 but I pretty much have given up hope of attracting anyone else to my camp here haha

I agree.  He has come out with most people’s opinion of him now being really good.  Before, it was mostly “who”?

Considering how crowded the field is and that he is up against 3 of the biggeset dem names I actually feel like Castro has done incredibly well. He will come out of this better than he went in.

Sorry, Rich, this is as bad a take as endorsing Dale Peck’s disgraceful hit piece on Pete Buttigieg last month.

By all accounts Kutcher is a nice enough fellow, but I will always associate him with Punk’d and all its stupid trucker hat wearing dude bro energy and can therefore never take him seriously in anything else.

Grindr but not Tinder seems dumb at best and homophobic at worst. 

I’m betting he can afford to buy a second ticket to get back in, then show his previous ticket to get to his original seat. I’m also guessing that the ticket takers and ushers stop caring after about the 10th inning.

Agreed. I was a paramedic, and also a fierce skeptic of organized religion. 20 years ago, an F5 tornado ripped through our rural community. One of the first communities to step up was the LDS. They showed up every single day, in terrible conditions and broiling heat, with a smile on their faces, and helped people

i used to be a retail pharmacist and, for a VERY short time, worked for cvs. something i learned from working retail - pbm’s are evil. what i learned from cvs - cvs is FUCKING EVIL and INCOMPETENT to the point of criminal negligence.

Yeah the only reason they’re defending her now is because they want everyone to forget that, minus the fellatio references, they’ve been saying basically the same things about her as kid rock. And that’s not a good look for woke cool girls so now they’re suddenly team swift...