
I thought white women were responsible for Trump in the White House.

Yes, and women only gyms and spas already exist

“ members said they could comfortably walk around braless in a robe after a shower

There are laws. For a reason. They apply (or ought to apply) equally. THAT is the equality that was fought for. Now, however, some people don’t want that much equality.

The thing is not all youtubers are influencers or Logan Paul. There is plenty of good content on Youtube and also all the garbage.

I would like to emphasize the FOR EVERYONE part of this statement. Federal workers and the military are far from everyone in this country, and the Republican plan to “let” people pay themselves from their retirement plan is a steaming pile of garbage.

A few items:

12 weeks mandatory paid parental leave AT THE MINIMUM for everyone, across the board should be the conversation we are having into the new decade. I’m about to turn 30, finishing my grad program, and absolutely terrified about starting a family. I’m afraid I won’t have time or money, merely scraping by hoping my child

Can someone explain the armpit thing? What is she talking about? Is there a sex scene involving an armpit???

I’m wondering why he’d shower before working out.

Remember when missionary won?

These reactions you’re reading into them are entirely an invention of your own brain. Woke culture has essentially left your cortex a rotted husk incapable of processing any information about the world without making up some bizarre oppression narrative. 

Why wear suits 2 sizes too big or ties 4 inches too long? The man didn’t even know how to properly wear a waistcoat when he met the Queen. The oversized suits “make him look slimmer” and the ties “taller.” I’m sure he believes the orange makes him look healthier. There is literally no rationale to this man’s behavior.

I remember seeing the ad on TV and being more interested in what Peloton is rather than any thought that the husband was being an asshole. How do we know the wife didn’t spend the previous three months ranting about how much she wanted one? I mean, her reaction is one of appreciation and not, “you think I’m FAT?!?”


If I had the space for it, I would also love a Peloton for Christmas. But I do get the pushback that commercial was cheesy and cringy. People love to hate influencers which is what the woman represented by her vlogging in the commercial. And she just seems overly sentimental about how much a stationary bike changed

Totally disagree with the pushback over this ad. People like to excercise, it’s different than giving someone a vacuum. I would love a Peloton for Christmas! The fact that the woman is skinny should have NO BEARING on whether or not she should excercise. The guy is an actor (presumably not super succesfule) that ended

Warren’s plan is a non-starter for me. Shutting down private healthcare is stupid, I can’t put it any nicer than that.

A “public option” makes less sense than just going to single payer. It’s amazing that single payer, despite being a system that works successfully (more successfully than America’s private insurance based system) throughout the world already, is constantly attacked as infeasible, but someone can just say they want a

Ah yes. I always enjoy GMG articles handwringing ~what went wrong???~ after spending the past year tearing down candidates, except maybe in Bernie’s case.

They all got what they wanted. Anyway...Bernie isn’t gonna win. Warren isn’t looking much better. We’ll end up with one of the billionaires or Biden. And if black turnout is even lower, welp. I guess we’ll see what happens. Like I said, I’m sitting this shit out until my number is called.