
It’s interesting how much of a disparity there is between the cultural fixation on trans women and the cultural indifference to trans men. I suspect that a big part of it is that trans women are doing something perceived as much more transgressive, i.e. rejecting male privilege and (in many cases) masculinity-both of

And I’ll bet you a biscuit that said banning is EXACTLY what attracted the majority of the paying members. It made them feel special and superior. And I’m sure most of them happily told that woman that clearly she had done something wrong and didn’t listen to her body enough or some such horseshit.

Yeah it’s not the “home” part of this that is horrifying. It’s the “alone” bit and the prohibiting of any other options or interventions. 

The thing is? Bodies don’t really know shit. We die from literally countless things and in the main it’s because the body cannot recover from whatever it was that damaged it. 

YES. Let’s call out cults, terrorist groups, and other shit on Facebook for what it is! I am so tired of the whole “connect the world” crap that Zuckerberg is still selling while basically underwriting mass death and destruction with absolutely no oversight or legal recourse.

You know what else is natural? DEATH. God, this kind of shit is infuriating. It’s one thing to have a home birth, it’s quite another to just decide after reading a Facebook page that going through giving birth with absolutely no medical backup while your ‘friends’ intimidate you out of going to the hospital is another.

Even giving birth COMPLETELY alone has got to be a historical anomaly for women who just happened to live exceptionally isolated lives (I’m thinking pioneer women of the American west who maybe have been homesteading some remote patch of land, for example). Even before births were attended by trained and licensed

Just like the anti-vax nutjobs, this is even more infuriating because the victims are the most innocent and without choice. Fuck every single one of these Free Birth idiots. And fuck this whole “natural” movement that’s taking us backwards. Yeah, women used to sometimes give birth alone. But a fucking lot of them

this radical work of healing the deepest wounds on this earth

I get mistrust of the US health care system. I really do. But it wasn’t THAT long ago that childbirth was a leading cause of death for women. Forgive the expression, but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I wish that my three children didn’t require surgical intervention to enter the world. The havoc those C sections have wreaked on my back and abs can’t be overstated.

Home birth can be great for some women, but the fact that this group deletes any advise that counters their beliefs and doesn’t make room for other treatment options makes them a cult, and a very dangerous one at that.

WTF is the point of living in modern times if a person doesn’t avail herself of some of its luxuries, like a freaking pre-natal appointment to a midwife or something? Yet she will chatter on FB about the “primal instinct” that takes over. Guess what? Birthing can be pretty deadly, just look at history. But no, the

It’d be less offensive to me if Melania simply took $95,000 in cash, raked it into a giant pile and burned it. Jesus christ, I don’t get reimbursed for taking a client to lunch if I don’t have a receipt. What the fuck did all of that pay for?

Her half day in Cairo would’ve covered my disability costs for 6+ years.


I agree, although there might be quite a number of parents that would kinda rightfully object to pork being secretly put into their kids’ food.

Maybe this is just the vegetarian in me talking, but I fail to see the problem. People who eat meat are so weird about only eating “the right” kinds of meat. No parent would have complained if they had put pork in the turkey chili without telling parents first, but kangaroos are cute, so we can’t eat them.

I have no idea if he’s a good Catholic male, but he’s a shitty pharmacist and should be fired.

WTF. This makes me so, so angry. If you cannot do your job because you have decided to make up rules about what women can do with their bodies based on some old myths, you don’t get to have that job.