
I think I read that the thumbprint picture was taken several minutes after the actual handshake. I’m not a doctor but the I would assume that if that color still hasn’t returned means that Trudeau either gave him a Hulk-level handshake or Trump has shit circulation. I mean, that cannot be good, medically speaking,

I do so enjoy Macrons naked loathing and contempt for dondon.

Now playing

She released a video of the speech both as it was putatively censored (and I do mean censorship. If I correctly understand the legal implications, public schools are bound to the First Amendment due to their taxpayer funding), and in its entirety. It is hardly the stuff of anarchy.

And Trump wonders why we Canadians want to grow our own food...

In other pressing news stories, this happened.

Doddering, toddling, bellicose boor.

I believe that if Merkel wanted to she could snap his neck in the blink of an eye and just keep walking.

That insta pic couldn’t be more symbolic.

That’s one reason that makes Trump so frustrating: one of the reasons Trump hasn’t completely tanked the US and done even more damage around the world is that there are usually grown-ups on the other side with more concern and tespect for norms and making sure things keep working that they make agreements to


There was never a bromance with Macron, or with Trudeau for that matter. Trump is a big fucking spoiled shithead of a toddler. He shouldn’t have been invited to the G7. Just exclude him - he doesn’t want to be there, don’t give him the opportunity to play big boy and pretend that he runs things. He wants to go it

Apparently, in the second handshake, the President limp-wristed it and tried to escape. Macron held on regardless.

Good grief, how frustrating must it have been for these competent leaders to deal with him? Merkel looks two minutes away from smacking him over the head with a newspaper.

the Reagan administration’s unsuccessful war on drugs

Rampant over-prescription, shameless marketing by the drug companies, and egregious lack of oversight by state medical boards are what caused this crisis, but yeah, let’s stigmatize the addicts.

There’s also the economic inefficiency of staying in a job that isn’t the right job for you, only to to preserve health insurance benefits for you and your family. If workers could freely change jobs without worrying about the consequences of changes in health insurance coverage, that would be a huge boon to the

“You saw how the government handled OBUMMERcare! We RUINED it through underhanded defunding and judicial oversight. And we’ll RUIN this too, you plebs!”

“B-but the American government will surely do a terrible job of handling this, just like it ruins everything else it touches!!!! Also God bless America, Love it or leave it, these colors don’t run, etc.”

Wait, are you trying to tell me you’ve actually found something this administration isn’t good at?