
On the one hand, I understand their point but on the other we keep electing more and more moronic presidents every other time. Maybe we really do need to finally pay for doing that.*A trade war may be what we need to remind us that we need good relations with other countries and should stop electing grandstanding

A week or so ago someone made the suggestion that countries should not hit us back with tariffs but hit trump’s businesses back with tariffs. Mainly because he won’t care if americans get hurt by tariffs but he will care if his income suffers. Basically sanction trump like all the other russian oligarchs.

Trump is complaining that he can’t watch porn at the White House

It’s frustrating how too many people take “the world is angry at us” as “America is standing strong alone and the world is jealous of us” despite it leading directly to job losses and higher prices

counter to expectations.

Which tweet reads as though the speaker learned English as a second language?

“All those beautiful pearls, just destroyed. I should buy Melanie some pearls.”

A day which will live in Infirmity. Sad!

Trudeau has stopped playing nice, premiers have stopped playing nice, the Canadian government has stopped playing nice. Before, we’d make indirect jabs at 45. Never call him out by name, never say what the US was doing was misguided or wrong. Just that we think differently. Trump tries to ban Muslims, Trudeau says

Ah yes, the French who attacked our Pearl Harbor. The worse.

Let’s see how President Macron (best bud remember) sees it.

Isn’t it Ironic? Getting ready to go to the G-7 in Canada to fight for our country on Trade (we have the worst trade deals ever made), then off to Singapore to meet with North Korea & the Nuclear Problem...But back home we still have the 13 Angry Democrats pushing the Witch Hunt!

Please tell Prime Minister Trudeau and President Macron that they are charging the U.S. massive tariffs and create non-monetary barriers.

Wow you can pinpoint the exact moment when someone started tweeting FOR him today.

According to today’s Code 45*, the president’s subconscious is once again begging for its flushed orange host to be stopped, because he’s sucking too much of the fun out of the lives of too many people. Do you remember hearing people, every now and then, sighing contentedly that “Life is good”? Do you? I think maybe I

Lindsey Graham is weird. He says stuff occasionally that makes him seem like he’s not a total monster (remember him playing pool with Steven Colbert right after he dropped out of the race for president?), then next thing you know he’s back to voting like a shitbird again. He’s a funny guy, but not funny enough to

When it leads to your impeachment.

In some ways, I’d like to see an update to this series, but with a more diverse cast: we pretty much got cis, hetero, white women, which is fine, but I think that SATC broke some of that glass ceiling, and it’d be cool to see something different. Like, a foray into bisexuality that doesn’t end with “it’s a stopover to

No, cut content has been left in games since the beginning of time. It’s because actually removing it may cause unforseen bugs.