
A LOT of those people in that church looked very uncomfortable during Bishop Curry’s sermon and the choir’s “Stand By Me”. The stream I was watching panned the audience a lot. I was uncomfortable with how many people seemed to be ducking their heads, grimacing, or smirking. I was also uplifted by the people that had

I appreciate what you’re saying, but there’s a difference between acting progressive and being progressive.

One of the people the BBC interviewed was a black community organiser and activist based in London. He said this: millennials believe firmly in increasing equality and love and openness. This wedding, after the Brexit vote and Trump’s election, signals that no, we haven’t been going wrong this whole time. No, instead,

Although (at least for the past few years) Harry seems like a fairly progressive sort, I like to think the vows’ language was Meghan’s doing. “Sweetie, I’ll put up with how your family is dictating every second of what is supposed to be MY big day, but ‘obey’? NO.”

(As an aside, Diana was the first to omit ‘obey’.)

The looks on the faces of the members of the royal family. They were NOT ready. Lol Whatever. Those fuddy-duddies can suck it because his sermon was amazing.

This is beautiful, thank you.

And the racist/sexist/homophobe is never accountable for the mistakes or shitty things they did at the beginning of the episode. All forgotten!

Yeah this is one of TV’s worst tropes... the ever redeemable racist/sexist/homophobe with a heart of gold finally meets the model minority that makes him reconsider the humanity of others. Then they’re celebrated!

We need to stop reporting this dog-and-pony show of “he’s preparing.” He is NEVER going to sit down with Mueller. His lawyers say this to make it sound like he’s innocent and cooperating, but they’ll seize on anything from a rainy day to an FBI agent needing a day off for a sick kid to say that he can’t come/the FBI

Yeah, until someone is hanged, I think the old record stands.

As a result of which 25 people died! I think that one gets to keep the “greatest” title (wherein greatest means biggest in magnitude, obvs. Not like, most excellent).

You don’t get to call it “the greatest Witch Hunt in American history” when there has been an actual witch hunt in American history.

That’s like being the world’s tallest midget.

Okay, name a Democratic President as bad as Trump.

Guys, I think this fact robot might be broken

Jesus christ he is a fucking moron. We are ruled by a moron.

People who refer to themselves in third person are generally assholes.

Republicans who will not impeach this person are the worst traitors in the history of the world.

I am mentally slapping that doctor on your behalf.