
This is not a statistic. This is a legal claim, details from a lawsuit repeated in a local newspaper. This appears to feature one transgendered woman who... did not rape anyone, if I am reading this correctly. She just really needed this one other “natural-born” woman to stay the fuck away from her in prison, and

That’s cool. I will happily room with you in a prison cell as a transgender man. I’ve got a beard, and am heavily tattooed, and as of last year I have a nice new penis. I’m sure it doesn’t matter to you because my birth certificate is from Arizona and still says female because they suck for getting that changed.

This Obama-era policy was a patch job in a grossly inhumane carceral industry desperately in need of reform, for ridiculously vulnerable population of people (yes believe it or not, people with dicks can be “vulnerable” too - even moreso than those of us born with vaginas. Funny how that works). In reality, the

These both sides arguments are always bullshit. Either you are for social justice for everyone or you aren’t, none of this half-assed shit. Transwomen are women and are in danger when they are placed in male facilities. Because no other facility exists to house them (not that there should be because e have seen what

“I, a natural-born woman with a completely normal level of empathy and no internalized misogyny, am perfectly comfortable with putting another woman in harms way, in a fucking mens prison where she will be humiliated and degraded every day and *actually* suffer injuries when she is forced to use the bathroom and

High five! ♥ I came here to write the same answer. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what happens in my life from this point forward, transitioning will always be the biggest change to my life...It’s the change that saved my life.

11 years ago, I was working a okay job, one that I excelled at, but had a crappy boss. One night he came in and gave me a bunch of shit over something I hadn’t been trained to do, ending with, “What are you, stupid?” I am non-confrontational to a fault, but that was too much. I followed him and gave him a piece of my

The last biggest change for me was about three years ago now, when my husband and I decided we did not want to have children.

Transitioning. I changed from a repressed “male” who was merely existing with no social life, to an outgoing woman who is living, happy, helps others (LGBTQIA groups, women’s groups, et al), and is motivated and involved socially and politically. Before I transitioned, I only had ID photos; now I have too many photos

Easy for me. The loss of my fiance 5 months ago to a sudden heart attack. I’ve had some pretty formative life experiences - I did a year of service! I moved cross country (twice!) Had some major breakups! Adopted my very first dog! But there’s nothing like the loss of a future and of shared dreams and shared potential

Wait, so if someone from EU goes to the US needs to pay an online fee and get approval but a US citizen that goes to EU can do without even needing an approval?

Parents would still ignore it on menus. Unless you make it special for the parents they’ll ignore it and carve out their usual “but that is for everyone else not me” exemption. Parents never think that rules for parents apply to them, they are for other parents, other people. You gotta make it specific, just like you

Problem with a hanging notice is that people won’t read it. Espiecally not the parents of young children because they are contantly overwhelmed and inwardly focused. The motto of the parents of young children generally seems to be “fuck your rules, I have kids to take care of and therefore am more important.”

Thank god foreigners and minorities are only treated poorly in Korea and Japan. Really hope this type of stuff doesn’t hit the ‘States!

So they’re more or less exactly like the United States is right now?

Don’t kid yourself though. The same shit happens in any city in Canada / US too. A co-worker of mine in Vancouver told us he gets harassed almost on a weekly basis for being asian despite being Vancouver born and raised.

Children and assholes. I mean that only half-jokingly.

So... in an attempt to confront people making fun of him, he gives people more reasons to make fun of him.

Ding Ding Ding

Impossibly obnoxious person annoyed by other impossibly obnoxious people; news at 11.

Why is it that every streamer with over, like, 400k followers or over 5k average viewers such an embarrassing pile of garbage? Like I honestly don’t get it - it seems that all personalities on YT/Twitch converge into the same state of