
Sister Sarah will just sternly remind us all that none of this matters and the president is keeping us all safe, secure, and wealthy and if you don’t believe that, my gosh, how dare you call yourself an American.

Is the Starbucks manager who called the cops fired? Starbucks was dodging the question last I checked.

SHS’s eye just rolled that last 23 degrees into oblivion trying to figure out what the fuck to say at the podium tomorrow.

Also, after the WH press corps soiled itself over Michelle Wolf calling Sarah Sanders a liar, Giulani just confirmed that, yes, she’s been lying to them for months. Do you think any of them will call her on it?

If you were going to script a worse interview than this, you would have a hard time doing it.

So, Trump is going to tweet in a few hours that Giuliani has never been his lawyer and he barely knows him, amirite?


Listening to NPR - we have been in this situation before with lots of grandiose promises from North Korea. This has happened in almost every administration. They promise to denuclearize and guess what? They don’t. So, until the borders are open to North Korea, until I see people going back and forth between the two

I’d be a very proud papa if she were my daughter ...

In regards to Matt Gaetz, there’s already one girl who knows what’s up —

Here are the 18 members of Congress who are behind it - may they never, ever live it down:


A future Drag Race that’s more open and more creative would be pretty brilliant, though I doubt Ru and the show’s producers would be very willing to do it.

I left the Evangelical tradition after the election of 45, when it became clear to me that nobody believed a damn word of the holy book they claimed to be central to their life. Still a Christian, but not Evangelical.

MD, I am shocked and appalled... that I had exactly the same thought in response to that line. What an age to live in; where the POTUS favored by the “moral majority” *eye roll, wanking gesture* openly lusts after his own daughter.

I always ask myself, “What the fuck is wrong with this man?”

I really appreciate that you took the time to parse out the nuance and complexity evident in Faith’s character. She really is trying to be all things to all people—but I stop short of according her the level of sympathy you’re showing here, for three reasons:

First and foremost, even if she’s now clean, she’s actively

Yes, yes, yes, I feel this post deeply. I recently joined a new group and we’re in the initial planning stages. I’m always a ‘filler’ - someone who waits to see what we need - and with a group of squishies and one melee, I settled on finally pulling out a paladin. I’ve been itching to make an Ancients oath paladin for

Of all the hot takes, this one annoyed me the most: