
If a hospital provides medical care to your kid, you get a bill. That’s....that’s how this works. That’s how this has always worked.

Right, so if you consented to the contract, they should address the bills to you.

Sadly, that program has been in beta in the black communities for centuries so they know it works.

“The free market is the most efficient and provides the best care....”

Huh. Probably not what you were thinking but Athena might very well be a metaphor for the mythic first trans woman. She sprang fully grown from the head of a “man”? Zeus was the chrysalis?

Because Zeus made me that way.

Hate to be that person but shaving doesnt cause hair to grow back thicker. Its the same thickness its always been its just not tapered at the ends. It LOOKS thicker but its the same its always been at the base. If shaving did cause hair to grow back thicker I would have a glorious caterpillar on my upper lip instead

I’m a trans woman, so I am intimately familiar with the struggle of waaaaay too much facial hair. My shaving routine is: use the Kiss My Face line of shaving cream, with a decent new or newish razor. Splash water on your face, the hottest water you can take, then apply the cream. Shave in small areas, being sure to

It seems like this is 100% about context. In American Sign Language, that’s the sign for the number 9, or a slightly modified F depending on how you wanted to look at it.

Okay, you don’t seem to read past the headlines so here goes: Chiropractic manipulations on babies is a thoroughly bad idea, because they’re babies and they have teeny tiny necks that are easily broken. Don’t work on babies and no one should take a baby to a chiropractor.

So, what I’m hearing is that you’re just an accident waiting to happen.

I disagree with your risk assessment as I’m sure you’d disagree with mine so there isn’t much point in really getting into that.

I agree. KUWTK is admittedly my treadmill show (it is one of the rare things that makes me not want to die while running), and there was a really good episode a while back where the sisters were concerned about a controlling partner (Khloe’s? Karen’s? IDK), so they went to Planned Parenthood and had a lesson on

So if this guy had had access to RPGs or even an AK47 you don’t think he’d have killed more people?

I don’t think anyone claimed that terrorism was going to be solved entirely, just that we should be trying to treat the disease, not the symptoms.

The data isn’t there, blunt objects, or even sharp objects don’t have the kill count that bombs, guns, or vehicles do.

Only to a point. Most people can’t strangle their way to mass casualty numbers.

Oh come on, even if that van is only worth $20K or so, that’s an incredible amount of money in every 3rd world country. Places where a lot of people can’t afford cars at all. So yeah, not all that much of a reach.


Yes, you have blind spots. The idea that the dress code helps kids to learn to dress professionally for the real world is a fiction. My niece has to wear shorts that are longer than her fingertips and no straps etc etc etc. Meanwhile the guys at her school are wearing whatever shorts they choose,bagged out, and the