
For most people this has zero percent to do with anything you’re on a soap box about. The Erratic/Insane trait just straight out WASN’T crazy. It was just a little annoying. There was no point in using it. That’s it. No reason to be all ‘SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS RAWR SO STUPID’ about it.

Gays getting married??? What’s next, fucking your TURTLE???

ah, the dreaded slippery slope!!!!

...You new here? Kotaku has always covered/wrote about stuff that could be considered political. I’m not even sure what you’re talking about since a lot of the splinter/jezebel/whatever stuff rarely graces Kotaku.

I forgot to mention the most important part

I don’t know for sure, maybe he just took a vacation, but most of the media dudes that suddenly and inexplicably disappeared over the last year ended up being under investigation/suspension for sexual harassment.

I’m often amazed at the outrage of those sorts at the sheer audacity of game developers to make things that aren’t geared towards the 18-35 set. I recall seeing similar outrage coming about when Skylanders first rolled onto the scene.

Hey folks, check out this bigotry! I’m trans, by the way, so this jerk thinks she’s being clever and insulting by making assumptions about my genitals. I’m sure the rest of her arguments are all in good faith, though!

There’s been one or two times, but hardly an epidemic. And, if you want to talk numbers, there are far far more lesbians out there than trans folks. And there’s far more concern-trolling around the idea of cis men using trans-affirming policies to access women’s spaces than there are actual instances of that

Of course, at that point their idiocy is fair game :)

I’m avoiding responding to them when they’re in the greys, but once they’re out I’m gonna call them out on their facile bigotry.

Oh my god, everyone, stop responding to trolls in the grays. It brings them into the black and forces everyone to look at their bile.

And you would likely not pass the screening process.

I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but it almost seems as if the people asking the most obvious, or most asinine questions didn’t bother to take the initiative to even glance at the source material before asking their silly questions. Almost.

Great, someone bumped you out of the greys.

OK, and like any other issues of assault or behavioral issues in jail, those specific cases will be addressed. Again, I think the idea that trans inmates are coming in to rape and assault female inmates is far far less likely than male inmates assaulting and harassing trans inmates. This is about everyone’s safety.

These housing units are not for that man. There are other housing units meant to provide extra protection for people under threat of violence. With respect to these trans housing units, there is an individualized screening process in place. I really think your fears are misplaced. I don’t think that you’re wrong for

While the mandate does not require detainees to present medical documentation to support their assertion of gender identity (that’s a big part of the broader policy apparatus), a simple review of the the linked press release shows that it’s not as simple as merely asserting your gender identity, and that their is a

Since there are so many legal eagles in the greys who think that this will be used by inmates to gain access to cushy facilities, let me just quickly give you an idea of what the general process for non-incarcerated trans folks is to get our identity recognized: 6 months of therapy with a psychologist who specializes