
It’s nuts. This is what happens when big companies can push through legislation that’s good for them and bad for the public.

Our copyright laws need to be rewritten so bad. I can’t believe silent movies are just getting into the public domain.

To put it more accurately, Thanos is a “Nice Guy”. He thinks that if he kills half of the Universe with the Infinity Gauntlet Death will like him. He claims that he’s all doing it for her affection but when she spurns his advances he turns into a pissed of man-baby.

I mean if they wanted to promote the movie better they could have worked with the fact that Thanos’ motive for committing genocide on a cosmic scale is that he just wants Death-Senpai to notice him.

Trump’s “Steward of the Environment”, ladies and gentlemen.

Entitled-ass trash motherfucker.

Actually poor irony had almost no work to do in D.C any longer, it got just too damn easy to find it now, so Trump fired irony and replaced him with idiocy, we will be seeing a lot more of idiocy unfortunately.

Man in charge of protecting the environment leaves trash everywhere.

The worst part is that this is one of those exact situations where it’s like... the only room for people of color to advance comes at the direct expense of people who are white. You can’t have a PoC program director, event director, or curator, without literally taking the job from a white person.

It’s infuriating, and to think they consider themselves good liberals as well, so you can’t even talk to them about this. Thankfully this sort of discussion is happening more and more often in academia, but we have to see if anything changes. Since everything is up for critique, it’s our bread and butter in the art

True story: I wanted to be a museum curator with a focus on Egyptian archaeology. I wanted this so bad right until the moment I realized that 1.) You are required to have a minimum of a Ph.d. and 2.) Do you know how much that shit costs? 3.) Do you know how much you’ll get paid? Lifetime of debt.

I used to work at the Museum of the African Diaspora in San Francisco. A “black” museum where the president of the board of directors was white, the program director was white, the exhibitions director was white, the events director was white, etc.

And it’s all designed that way to exclude anyone who doesn’t have money and connections. The reason why so many museums and galleries look the same is because it’s the same small club of people in the industry dictating tastes, which usually means some reheated post modernist baubles that no one can appreciate,

Which is why they’re successful in the field: they have mom and dad’s rich friends as a client base.

“[T]he imbalanced economics of working in the art world . . . where the pay is often so dismal that young professionals have to rely on family members to supplement their income and living expenses.”

No one is saying they shouldn’t run ads. There are plenty of other ad formats that aren’t auto-playing videos smack-dab in the middle of long-form text content. Polygon does the same thing, and it’s basically a slap in the face to people like me who try to support sites by disabling ad-blockers.

Well you deserve it for being dumb enough not to use protection.

“Basically vote in all y’all’s primaries.”

Listen, if poor people need money they should just get loans from their parents. It worked for Donald, amirite?