
It takes a cowardly stance. They never came out and officially DENOUNCED the Nazis. They just dance around it and pretend like they weren’t talking about them because it would mean they had to take a stand against Germany officially. Cowards.

“what if people who had a large diversity of experiences in political spaces were allowed to enter the game development world?”

This is why I like Japanese games a lot these days as there is so much subtext you have to shift through in a lot of Western games I just don’t find enjoyable. As its becoming so hard to separate politics and culture and I believe it is having a serious a negative effect on both and the level of discourse in N.

Counterpoint: No it’s not.

It’s time for bloggers who never actually created anything of value to stop telling artists who make that their life’s work what to do.

Sorry folks, but I feel the total opposite. There’s room for politics in games, but it seems like you want any game that brushes up against politics (regardless of whether it’s left, right, or center) to make a grand statement on the issue. For the most part, people don’t play CoD, Watchdogs, the Division, or Ghost

I feel like they can’t openly talk about the politics in their games these days because if they don’t have the “right” opinion there will be a hate train brought down on them by the perpetually offended crowd. 

Speed running is fucking dumb. Someone needs to take that political view. If you could develop a move that beats the game in 1 second, what the fuck is the point of calling it a skill?

It’s amusing how many people have to post this on every single SNES/NES mini article. Everyone on fucking Earth knows this. Everyone knows you can emulate everything. You haven’t discovered some new thing nor are you saving anyone from their interests. If someone is buying this, they like the overall package and

It’s amusing how many people have to post this on every single SNES/NES mini article. Everyone on fucking Earth

yaaaay a good opportunity to use that flag option

yaaaay a good opportunity to use that flag option

No. These are “motor homes”. They are not “trailers”. They drive on their own.

For one thing a trailer / manufactured home has to be towed to the lot by another vehicle and are set up to be in place for longer.

YES!!! Been wanting this for years!!

YES!!! Been wanting this for years!!

Thanks!! One ordered!

Thanks!! One ordered!

I dont like it.

I fell in love more with the stargate in the background <3 nice cosplay thought

It’s not actually a third party program. It’s a convenience library that hooks into the game code so that developers don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time they want to send a fingerprint to RedShell. As I mentioned elsewhere, the games removing this library will just move to manually writing the code to send the

It’s not spyware, all of the information RedShell is getting is accessible via JavaScript, meaning every single website you visit gets it too. Including Kotaku.

The irony of people being outraged at this and visiting Kotaku is real. Guess what? Kotaku’s ad networks, etc. do this *exact* same thing.

But now it looks like the French landed there.