
Sony started releasing their stuff on the PC some time ago, including Horizon, Days Gone and the like. It is more than likely going to continue to do so after an exclusivity period on their console. So see the sequel to Horizon on Steam in 1-2 years. 

You mean Microsoft decided. 

Do you know why it didn't sell as much? Because they just had released the dreadful avengers game, and who wanted to buy into that trash again? It would take time for people to see this game as different. 

Looks like I replied to the wrong person, who was complaining about losing their Play Music purchases - which is likely because they didn't hit the couple of buttons to do the transfer - though I've seen some posts from November saying it could still be done - if they ever read my misdirected message. 

I'm pissed play music is gone too, but I'm guessing you never bothered to click the few buttons that transferred your stuff over? 

How is this some sort of current leak? I swear I read about Google doing this a year ago - they’d be working on getting their technology used by other companies - in fact here’s a story from last October about it

Nintendo is going to buy Sega, sooner or later, and with them comes Atlus, and a bunch of others - I'd like to see Nintendo expand their revenue to PC development, no, I don't see them putting their console exclusive IP on PC, but of they owned CA, they'd own Total War too. Maybe Square is also a possibility. 

Explain to me how what their doing is in any way, shape or form "communist"? Do you know what that even means? Have you ever looked at history, or even for example China? 

I'd take these sort of articles more seriously if I didn't see similar reactions to Nintendo taking down roms and other things that outright belongs to them. Not saying you've written them (don't know) but any time any piracy type of thing goes down, or goes up, Kotaku is often promoting it or defending it. 

This is hilarious, everything will consolidate down to a few studios.

I don't believe that he lost a penny, if they authenticates them, it likely also had to be ensured / guaranteed on their end. It's a big headline to say he lost the money, but I think he's going to get it back. 

My biggest gripe with the Venom end credit - people who know Peter Parker is Spiderman are pulled in.. So forget Peter Parker, but Brock doesn’t know him, so why was he pulled over / sent back? 

Yes, they could. They did it from Wii U to Switch. Your purchase is not promised to carry over to the next console. 

They screwed up by making it so hard to see out of and all the fancy sensors don’t make it better. Sold my 18 2SS for this reason most of all. Of course they also ruined the face starting in 2019.

I felt the same way.. How are you getting away with going onto someone's property and taking stuff. However, in reading towards the end, you find out about the owner and the family members who are involved trying to get the good stuff that's there, before they demolish the house. 

These are used in many areas and in manufacturing where you don’t want to leave fingerprints or oils, etc on something you are working on. These just look textured from the picture for a better grip on the phone, I’d assume.

I’d have thought companies would stop putting other companies between themselves and their customers when the likes of College Humor died due to fake Facebook metrics. But dumb is always a way for some. 

The real statement should read, the world wants everything for a cheaper price. That's a true statement, however it's doubtful Nintendo needs to do so at all, however old the console is, it is still selling. 

This time of year, everyone is coming out with pumpkin this or that, pumpkin spice coffee and pumpkin flavored deserts.

Wow... if only everyone could hate on everything, then there’d be nothing left.