
How do you even reboot a series such as this? Doesn’t a reboot imply the the previous iterations of the series had come story consistency between them? Which they didn’t. So are they planning on changing core systems & gameplay?

Your Khaleesi has arrived, hipsters!

Don’t worry, as a lefty myself we are definitely planning something and you wont have to be afraid of us for much longer. In fact you wont be anything at all. Mwahahahahahahaha *bends the paper with the scissors instead of cutting it* GOD DAMNIT. The first thing I’m doin after we conquer the earth is im gonna blow the

I have a choice of cable providers. Not many, but that’s the fault of the GOVERNMENT which created the monopoly.

I do not consider it to be a human right to “get the channel I want” on my own terms. If I don’t like what one cable company offers, I either go with another or just find something else to do with my time.


Well as experienced the other side of this, in the meaning of beeing hooked. This make me just sad. It is propaganda.

That's not iOS.

This specific thing shouldn't make it feel good. It makes Europe's governmental officials look tremendously incompetent. The info is still out there, just slightly more difficult to find. Also, you can simply search through a proxy and get uncensored results.

Has there even been one fetch quest like in the demo? Get 12 of x, etc? There may be a quest to retrieve something, but I haven't seen a single one tell me to get a certain number of this or that for cash.