
There needs to be physical. I like to own what I buy. There is no guarantee anything you own on a console is usable on the next one. 

I don't like either of them, but epic screwed up. 

I won’t pay that at all.

Microsoft is aiming for being the Wii U of the 9th console generation.

I guess we can just make sure Apple owns it all, and Fitbit goes down in flames in a few years. 

Glad to hear about this update. I purchased AccuWeather a very long time ago when it was a one time buy and with Dark Sky abandoning its users (due to Apple), this will hopefully make a great replacement. 

How do Cabinets that weigh 1200 lbs only support a weight of 350 lbs?

This is definitely their attempt to spread captain kidd around.

People need to learn the word Inflation and what it means.

I’ve never seen anything about you, just your kinja moniker and that weird magenta circle next to that moniker, but I do know this. I hate you. I also don’t care about any of this, but I hate you.

Didn’t want to reply to you, since you can’t read, will do so anyway. I said bargain bin, not full price. No company deserves my money, and I’ll spend it how I want. If objecting to third party PC exclusivity makes you an incel, I think you need to learn how to better read and use critical thinking.

Lost sales aside. I'll buy it from the bargain bin, one Steam sale. I wonder how much epic paid them to give the game away. 

I’m not saying it wasn’t an autopilot failure... but there was someone behind the wheel of that car and they had plenty of time to apply the brakes.

Fact is, the only way to save the world is to get rid of these murder hornets, and the only way to do that is remove the Pacific North West from the equation. Perhaps sinking the area, or a nuclear option is in order, but nothing is out of line to save bees and pollination.

Not reading your article, since I've not played the remake yet - so I'll say just in response to the title, knowing you may have qualified the statement - no other remakes until they finish all parts of the VII Remake. No distractions. 

I don’t get how this “Cool” at all. They may be separate divisions of the same company, but they are still under the same umbrella and that umbrella owns all of the IP. Them announcing this is more like a way to get attention on these IP’s, which I’m sure they are planning to do something with and this is just the

So they will just pull their news aggregation out of Australia and those papers will get less exposure anyway?