
I get why there is hate for Gamestop, I get the sales pushing and their garbage practices are bad. I even think that staying open when told not to is wrong (have they actually been told to close anywhere?), what I don't get is why people are so willing to worship digital only on consoles that become obsolete along

That mask is a Surgical mask, not a rated N95 or above mask. Those masks are worn to prevent you from getting others sick, they do not seal well around your mouth & nose.

Wearing a mask CAN reduce your exposure and that CAN help. Just because they are telling you not to, and people are stigmatizing those who do, does not mean they do not help. They absolutely do help. Not touching your face, nose, eyes helps. Covering your eyes (do you wear glasses?) helps. Wearing a mask, HELPS.

Except it’s their highest selling one?

Except it’s their highest selling one?

I want to take this opportunity to tell EA to go to hell for ruining the franchise the way they did and to never forget what was lost with the release of C&C 4.

Why do I want to duplicate my 2FA device, what if they get into their system and just duplicate it on a device I don't have. 

I suppose Steam Link is the future.

the original games’ hero, who just happened to be the child of the god of murder.”

They have existed along side each other for a long time, but I believe their eventual goal is to simply merge all of the GPM features into YouTube Music. Similarly how Google Maps has been getting features that Waze has had for a long time.

I have a 50 inch version of this from last year, and while the TV can be laggy at times - it seems to go to sleep or low power mode - it works quite well, and usually power cycling it removes the issue. This is a great choice at this price point and you can’t expect much better there. If you want full control over the

I have a 50 inch version of this from last year, and while the TV can be laggy at times - it seems to go to sleep or

While this is not YouTube itself, you can be sure plenty of people do actually pay for YouTube itself. No Ads, YouTube Music / Play Music, etc. 

I really felt that was the case. Get "reviews" out for games you wanted to do them for, if you weren't planning to be here when they released. 

They are lying liars.

100% the same.

Too late. It now has to be in your 2020 list.

Why? At this cost wait a year and do this with the PS5 / "New"-Xbox

Xbox One S

If you have kids... Then no matter how careful you are, mysterious damage can occur. Saying that, you’ve already modified the thing yourself, so why not just get some replacement parts, or buy a dead switch on ebay and strip it.

Not knocking this deal, but the Android TV version is the better choice, simply due to what you can do with it.. if you want to do more.

Not knocking this deal, but the Android TV version is the better choice, simply due to what you can do with it.. if