
Checkpoint at a dead end, or impossible to do location (so if you go exploring, you find the trap and are stuck.)

All you have to do is throttle any non approved website (Google Classroom, Docs, etc) down to the level of a dialup connection and you will be fine. 

A copy of Windows 10 (pictured, but not listed).

A copy of Windows 10 (pictured, but not listed).

Eventually, they will all come over. It may take two - three games for them to be able to make them all in the new environment, but one day it will be so. 

People compete and collect things, and so you now get something extra for buying an item on sale. It may motivate more purchases. You also don't have to remember or participate at all. So you can completely pretend it never existed, as it doesn't do anything for you as far as the summer sale goes. 

Mr Game Developer, what planet do you live on where Paradox for example, or Sega, gives GMG or some other store free keys to sell their games that then does not give that developer or publisher revenue / income (i.e; GMG buys the key at a wholesale price from the developer). I'll presume you simply misread my comment,

Then someone can't come along and say "you knew about this and did nothing about it, so we can now do this other thing. If they don't act, I'm pretty sure they suffer for it as far as their rights. 

I say no. They are at times too heavy handed, but it's their property and defending it is their prerogative. 

You are misconstruing the Steam Key on purpose. The developer/publisher sells the key to these storefronts or inside physical boxes. Steam doesn’t give keys to other storefronts.

Why do you think these stores sell steam keys? (fyi, they are not all steam keys). The simple reason is Steam gives the developer/publisher the ability to create steam keys and sell them outside of steam, while steam gets no part of that revenue. This is also why it is not true that steam takes 30%, but a lower

Because "Steam bad" and "Steam doesn't filter what I want" 

It’s the same nonsense he keeps saying. Third party exclusivity is bad for gamers, period. Their reason for exclusivity are both desperation to be a relevant store front and their total lack of features compared to other platforms..

I said Lunar and it's sequel, but I loved Dragon Force. I was so disappointed when I saw a sequel that was Japan only. 

I want Lunar SSC and Lunar Eternal Blue to return, I’d want it to find success and the series to continue. There was no reason for it to not have continued as others did, except for that period in the past where Japanese developers thought we were never interested. Give me the games!

No, they shouldn’t have come up with a solution. They shouldn’t have even continued releasing 32 bit versions of Windows once Windows 10 released.

Now playing

This is the current best break down, clearly Ganondorf.

BotW is way in the future and speculation is the timeline is reunified - the reason why there are things from the different timelines in the world. 

ETA!? FYI!! 

Super hyped for this, cannot wait for it. GIVE IT! I WANT THE GAME, RELEASE TODAY!

“Conservatives don't play games"? Is there some study that proves this out?