
I don’t think “K.C. Munchkin” and Fighters History can be compared as similar situations - It is correct to say that there is real world inspiration for a fighting game, and you can debate if the controls can be copyrighted. However looking up “K.C. Munchkin” shows an almost exact clone of Pac-Man, so it was definitely

I am going to flat out say, I don't believe them at all. I am betting its being worked on and it will appear in the year. 

I read sometime in the past few months (here?) that it is going to be the next Zelda “remaster” for the Switch (this year). So likely will have normal controls when that happens.

I don’t think anything is stopping them. From what I have read here and previously, it is a “they can’t appear in anything”. So for all we know they are working it out now, if they want to work it out.

Normally, but if this case goes against them, I think they have a case for damages cause from a false claim, especially considering they had to lay off people due to the claim.

This one and Jessica Jones are the next to fall, then they can start working on their appearance on whatever Disney+/Hulu life they are all going to have. I know it’s two year delay, but they can easily take that long to work things out, film it and then be ready to air it when they are allowed to do so.

You have strong opinions about it, and that’s fine. Doesn’t make it accurate, but that’s OK.

Outside of the moronic thoughts behind blocking charging stations, whether they be because they are electric, or taking up parking spaces, or whatever. If they cause damage to that vehicle while “towing” it out of the way, they would surely be liable for that damage.

Well it seems those guys might be in trouble for abusing DMCA if they don’t actually succeed in their lawsuit (and doubting they will), they’ll face even bigger consequences for the “fake” assertion that they have the rights.

You should be more specific about Star Citizen - it’s PU will come out in 2045, since various parts of the game that will make it up do exist and can be played.

Do all thieves live “far away?” Someone right next door to you could be a thief if the opportunity presented itself.

It’s only going to get worse. Amazon doesn’t even make money on that part of their business and now they are going to stop selling certain things due to weight, like drinks. Apparently they are going to try and get the manufacturer to drop ship them.

This is going to sound harsh, and I want it to. Who gives a crap. If you aren't happy with Amazon, shop locally and deal with it. Also, Prime isn't free, so the alleged two day shipping isn't free either. It currently costs $119 a year for that garbage. If you hate Amazon getting away with destroying everything, stop

Not knowing what sort of hounding went on, I don't think it is a bad thing for a developer to care what their paying customers think and want. That's what they should do. They should not attempt to treat their customers as a disobedient child. 

How is that surprising seeing as she’s been in the first two?

This film is in no way "in limbo" and there is no doubt it's being worked on with or without James Gunn. It will make bank again just as before, since the tone of the franchise has already been set and it just needs follow along with the story of the connected universe easy enough. 

I imagine that after the Fox deal closes they become worth north of 150 billion. 

A two year gap is nothing, these shows have almost always taken a long time to come out, however even if they can't be in a show off the bat, they could be filming stuff ahead of time, couldn't they? Film content and put it out when they are allowed to do so. 

Well, that was just a dumb Easter egg.