
It’s the same reason as always. Personal bias. The person uses one or both of the same services and that is their world. Pandora does something and only the ones important to them matter. There’s another story out there today where “After failing” Google is desperate to try again with YouTube Music, which is just a

All you’ve done is give them the attention and notoriety they wanted, just because they posted horrible things. It should have been enough to “report” on the “hacking” occurring and not just repeat in a less vulgar manner exactly what the “hacker” wanted to broadcast all over the internet. Why don’t we try and make

I love Chrono Trigger, second / third favorite after lunar sss and lunar eternal blue.

On 5/31/2018, this list left off the best Android exclusive ever. Steam Link.

On 5/31/2018, this list left off the best Android exclusive ever. Steam Link.

Sounds interesting, but I thought this style of game was on the decline. Interested to see how it will turn out, but not something I am going to jump on.

But can it tell me about Ur? Or even Ziggaruts? Or what about that plucky fellow who came about later? Nabonidus? Who knows, but your going to love it!

Yes. Definitely.

Loved the Saturn, it was my first “Computer”

I guess the Homepod is nice and all, if your into Apple, but where is their smart speaker that was mentioned in the title?

Your dumb.

Only fools leave their kids unsupervised online. These particular videos are almost assuredly faked for the views themselves.

Hell yeah, we need to ban them. Maybe even find a place to keep them away from everyone else. Disgusting. Eventually we can be rid of them with one solution or another, amirite??

Where is the stretch goal where you travel around eating people and rating them!??!!?

Finally! This is going to go so well.

It’s a war out there

This would all be rather pointless if an account on steam needed to be age verified to access said content. You do not have to verify, but M and up content requires verification. Upon verification you provide a warning to the person entering in the CC or whatever that completing verification unlocks Mature and Adult


I’m going to tell you a story - some states are like that, and I almost died because I had never seen a stop/yield sign at a highway onramp. It is the dumbest thing I have ever seen and it was in PA.