
OK, you can do it. Just re-brand one more time to your final form. Walking Dead MMO.

I just don’t get why they have to force the show to an end in X number of episodes. Then you see leaked info that the last season may have 90 minutes per episode. Every episode should have been 90 minutes, especially if there were just going to be “13" left.

That is a perfectly good idea, however my mentioning a web verification is for the instance where the home owner is unable to do that. The update runs, and the system has to verify it can communicate properly. If unable to, revert. This would also prevent the mentioned worse case scenario, where the door was simply

It would have to be capable of recognizing it has failed. From the sounds of it, it seemed like it did the update and never reconnected to the net. They’d need a failsafe bootloader (prior functioning version, so backup before updating) that would need a web verification or fall back to prior firmware.

This is a akin to Valve announcing- “With the release of Half Life 3,we are going to be changing Steams branding to Valve. It’s for the future.”

I get that, for me I paid 20 bucks with discount mags and got 4 years of membership, so it was cheap and easy.

Here is the trick with those sites. Disable Java and you can usually read the content without the pop up. It screws up part of the page, but the content is there. It is a piss poor method of protecting content at all and sites should go through the extra effort like ESPN does, where they have a page preview and you

I want 4K HDR footage NASA. Stop dropping the ball!

So if he has to play with next to no lag, does it mean he will be unable to win? With that kind of lag, I presume a good deal of his skill is in predicting where someone is going.

The vast mass of people abusing work computers/networks are the grown kids. I have kids of the right age to know they will try, and they will certainly get away with things sometimes, but I am not making it easy.

Yes, so exciting

I don’t underestimate them. They are sneaky as anything. I get it. It’s a negligent parent who let’s them do whatever they want and simply not care. I control grown kids on computers for a living and what they can do on a computer is only possible because someone let it happen. Kids don’t need admin rights, neither do

Also irrelevant, you can have full monitoring at your router. That tree computer is not going to connect to the online with magic dust.

If you actually make the effort, you can log everything done on their computers, and phone. That you believe it can’t be done is hilarious.

My favorite site for years now,,relive the glory days of your GameShark/Game Genie without the crazy codes.

It’s so cool. Like the total future. Dude.

Do you have a family = Are you willing to come in at 3AM if needed.

Doesn’t that make the dressing big mac sauce/thousand island dressing !??

Where did you get the orange joycon??

It sure does. My first time passing through, I didn’t realize that any of that, so I got out and went to pump gas, a guy comes running out freaked out. You could blow up the place, blah blah blah. Hilarious.