
Honestly, I loved the more cross appeal “Where in the World” that was fairly complex even as I got older and finally beat it. While I loved the more Kid Friendly versions, it was playing the First “World” game (Not the previous “America” versions- that my mother had trouble solving. I was a bonding experience between

Are we going to get a companion piece about how much I want to Bone Tali as a male? Because that would be awesome.

Any Quarian sightings? I would be sad if there wasn’t even one Tali or Kal’Reegar kicking butt in Andromeda.

While I don’t think they should be outlawed, I think separate comp lobbies where users can voluntarily choose to be in lobbies that use them would be helpful. It doesn’t force segregation, but lets the user base be the better people. Just yesterday I was in a match with a Pharah that was simply outclassing me with how

Honestly, while I welcome the ultimate change, as a Sym I actually more dynamic when I hid my teleporter midway through the map to give a time to point boost, without turret support. Then I use my turrets to close off a flanking room. As for my main gun, I move with the tanks and get real close and finish Lucios and

One Word: Destiny. I even let the little hope I had in a righting of the ship get me to get Taken King later. With the exception of the Stormcaller mission, I again bowed my head in shame... some people love that game, but for the life of me, I can’t understand why.

Zenyatta is far more OP then anything from the last update.

Love all the crabbing about McCree. They nerfed Symetra, and she was a main for me... now hardly anyone uses her and she’s practically useless. She does not have a single movement or defense aid, and she cannot self-heal. Virtually every other support has one of these. (Don’t even get me started on the Lucio buff, I

Like that they are finally boosting D.VA. I love to use her, but ever since the beta, I never get kills with her ultimate. (Maybe a few on a team that really isn’t on the ball) Her ult is more just a scattering move, and when you’re alone trying to hold the objective while you team respawns, then get to your last bit

Sorry man, Birth By Sleep is my second favorite. Frankly, while I love the story, KH1 is not high on my radar because I cant stand to play its clunky gameplay. BBS has some of my favorite characters, Terra (With his awesome Soul Reaper Keyblade) Aqua, and the origin of Lea and Isa (Saix is my favorite Organization