I do believe this peaking FD RX-7 of Japanese Bubble-era lore is much, much better with its intended engine. In other words, sans Tesla wizardry.
I do believe this peaking FD RX-7 of Japanese Bubble-era lore is much, much better with its intended engine. In other words, sans Tesla wizardry.
Yes, YES, YES,...those would be so fun to drive, is Toyoda a big rock star there? I take it he is.
74k was just an example. Once you get to 100k miles it (in my mind) just moves to old and tired. Just seeing Four or Five digits is worth quite a bit, at the very least subconsciously.
That RS5 Coupe is quite beautiful, love that color with matching calipers. Damn I wish I had an extra $75k lying around, cuz that would get serious consideration, and maybe a Lexus RC as well would need a test drive.
But not a car with 74K miles (or preferably less). IMO and lots others a vehicle with real low mileage is just that much more desirable.
No kidding, I thought the Baron was flying with LCD Nav in 1912.
I'm sure I'd agree if I was well-versed in flying airplanes. Just was making a observation, I swear planes of that vintage were a tad fancier, but I suppose the low tech is on purpose.
You sound like you might know this. Why are there headrests on the seats?
I know it’s a 88' but damn isn't that cockpit awfully analog? Looks like something the Red Baron wouldn't be seen flying in.
Ahhh, the Ford years. For a sec I even thought this was a Taurus from this rear 3/4 view.
Holy crap, it’s been about three decades since I’ve seen that. But I remember every scene in that trailer, amazing.
Hey man, I dig em. Now I’m a bit of an Infiniti fan boy. These are a little different than most (at least when newer in generation) and are bulletproof with decent lux. This new QX60 looks like a Jag F-pace which isn’t a bad thing at all IMO.
Underrated movie, some of the wardrobe and sets from that are just now coming into fashion I've noticed.
That’s a very BAD (wicked good) machine. But, how the hell does launch control work on a ride like this? Just wondering
I'd say people who complain that they don't have time to do something as important as look for the transportation that will be driving them and their family around for years are just finding an excuse. Check the mirror and make adjustments if that is how "busy" you claim to be. Sheesh.
America loves gimmicks, isn’t Carvana just one (literal) giant gimmick? .....see 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Who the F**K was clamoring for this? Good lord, they ruined a perfectly handsome automobile with the most tremendously ridiculous nose this side of a damn Bat!
Ten thousand, damn that seems high.
I believe my loaner Q60 had a turbo Mercedes 4cyl in it.