I went to the old stand-by for my NP vote=
I went to the old stand-by for my NP vote=
Wow must be nice X100, I believe that crap too.
Uhhh, ok....
SO GLAD, I am not the only "Raiders" geek! ...I specifically remember having the Album, putting it on the turntable and just zoning out while playing with Legos or Tonka. A freaking instrumental. Kids today just don't know, I tell ya. Ahhh, the memories of 1981.
Tommy Lee Jones=Not A-List.
You have a point. My bad.
Some of those Toy Doggies cost upwards of $1500, or $1400 more than I'd pay for a dilapidated, oft broken LR Disco.
I think the Nissan Armada (Patrol?) Looks Great....
Ya mean ...too bad.
You aren’t wrong.
Oh Lord,...this is my kinda comment! As a GenX latch keyer I watched a LOT of TV in that era of McGinley. Exactly why I loved the “Perfect Strangers” bizarro angle in the final season of The Leftovers. I just got "it".
Unfortunately I've had some Teflon flaked grilled cheese sandwiches, and I'm afraid my life span may have lost a decade because of this.
Exactly, that was a strangely confused little post he had there. I had to wonder.....are u a idiot or what Mr. Petro.
I personally like it a LOT, it’s much better than Hyundai. The Sonata is a little on the tacky side if either are. But this K5 smooths out the total design “language” the South Koreans are going with and Kia is winning out as of now. It's a damn car for fucks sake and a pretty good one. I applaud it.
That is crazy talk.
Or John's, maybe he forgot to spell his own name.
Pop-Up Headlights,....never the wrong answer!
Well that is certainly a lot of features for a motorcycle.....maybe, just maybe, too freaking many to be perfectly honest with ya.
I hear ya, and appreciate that Jalopnik isn’t like the rest. Hopefully what I think that gives you guys is the ability to be a little more creative in your reviews/news. *My take on the F150 is - I still see the same shape as the 2004 model which essentially looks like the 2021 model with solid face-lifts.…