
Seriously, how much must Red Bull hate this show?

Control has to go. We need her to "spin" over to the new X Files. Especially seeing that The Smoking Man is stuck in Vancouver (or wherever Continuum pretends to be?)

First "Community" episode of the season IMHO. Not perfect but felt like Community again. Jeff was Jeff, Annie was (thank god) Annie again. Brita was Brita etc etc.Now, if someone will just go to class once in a while ;)

I assume it was Billy West in Godfellas?


Two brilliant pieces of writing this season:

Best hour of TV since, well since the last hour of POI. I love the fact that they didn't screw around for a month with the "everything is different now" nonsense and went right back to doing what they do. And, as it does better than most, it leaves me with no idea what is coming next. Plus a dose of Elias and a

I always feel the universe is aligning for ME when my current re-binge (purely by chance) aligns with the start of an AV Club re-recapping. This should be fun.

Here's a vote for Kids In the Hall. A bit more subversive than the SNL's of the day and with just as much water cooler inspiration. Who, of a certain age, didn't delight in crushing the head of a particularly boring teacherr?

One of my frequent binges; nary a dud in the entire run. And, even during a slower episode, you get Portia and/or Andrea in almost every scene. Hard to argue with that!

- By definition, any episode with Zack is funnier than any episode without Zack
- Leonard is becoming (has become?) Ted Mosby - unfunny, unsympathetic and generally awash in douchbaggery
- "I just vomited on a lot of clowns" As painully telegraphed as the joke was, I still laughed out loud at the delivery.