
“Oh, no, I just went to an Ohio State University.

I’m stunned that Thom Brennaman is the announcer saying it. The Morality Police stick up his ass is so large, he makes Joe Buck sound like Larry Flint.

Yeah. I was once yelled at during a baseball game for not standing and taking my hat off during God Bless America. It was a fun conversation

I mean that is thinking way, way, way ahead. How many dads are really getting their five year olds to bat unnaturally in the off-chance he makes it to the majors. My guess is that it happens naturally, and we just see more - cause their are more righties in the world.

He did throw at his head, missed

Good thing this was the Reds and not the Cardinals. Can you imagine how many beanballs he’d face for showing the pitcher up by batting lefty! In the unwritten rule book, that’s as bad as watching your home run for 1.5 seconds before leaving the box...

First guy I can think of to ever make TAGS a highlight play

“The National Anthem is bad, but even worse is the post-9/11 tradition of treating God Bless America like a sacred hymn.”

The National Anthem is bad, but even worse is the post-9/11 tradition of treating God Bless America like a sacred hymn. It’s a terrible song, and I don’t want to spend the 7th inning stretch pretending it’s National Anthem just because half this country wants to fuck the Betsy Ross flag

Not work meetings. Ha. That would be fucking weird.

Outside of the US, anthems never get played outside of the World Cup and Olympics. They play it here on National Day, and the only other time I’ve heard it is seeing the national football team.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Unless one of the teams or athletes involved in the competition is wearing kit that says “USA”, the anthem has *no* place at sporting events.

Please. Can we not have these before every fucking event? It really minimizes the importance of the song & now everyone just hides in the concourse during the national anthem (like the troops used to do in my Army days when the song was played at retreat). 

Yep.  And I know it’s not PC, but not everyone sitting around you is even American.   I work with a ton of foreigners (legally working here).  What, we want the dude on on an H1B from Japan to pledge allegiance to the US?  Dafuq?

My grandfather survived the Holocaust because he was a Nazi.

How do these people rationalize the indifference to the anthem on the stadium concourse.  You can damn well hear it but no one’s putting a hold on their beer n brat order for 2 minutes.

I was walking to my seat at Camden Yards, hat on, toddler and diaper bag in hands and the anthem started playing. Before I could let out a groan, this old Fox News patriot hag immediately smacked me on the back of the head and told me how offended she was that I wouldn’t remove my hat. She then proceeded to tell me

Wally’s mother spoke to KPAX

Not for nothing, national anthems are pretty ridiculous in the first place. Having to stand and honor it ahead of every sporting event (or say the pledge of allegiance before a meeting) is downright bizarre. 

but he is white