
Thomas’s middle finger wasn’t all that hard to interpret

Countercounterpoint: Do some dang trades!

The Mets are waiting for a good offer, like three magic beans or a can’t miss investment opportunity.

Ah shit, I forgot to add “A foul pole can’t be homophobic” to the list of obvious replies that I don’t give a fuck about. (Although a foul pole does think it’s fair when a ball touches it, so maybe it’s not homophobic after all.) 
Have you met ivoryman50? You guys should be friends. 

Apparently they have been around for years.

I think they have it in Cincinnati too.

so obviously fuck AD for being a piece of shit (and I don’t feel bad for him at all) but something that dawned on me recently (probably should have a lot sooner) is that owners have every incentive for their athletes to be financially illiterate. When it comes to CBAs the owners are able to beat players during

He probably has a financial advisor. I suggest he switches.

Sad story in light of plenty of pieces in recent years (here, here, and here) about the financial pitfalls athletes face.

AP needs a good financial advisor to bring discipline to his finances and whip it into shape.

Maybe if they made their stuff greasier?

Chick-fil-A isn’t known for its transparency.

Show us on the doll where the milkshake hit you. We’ll send some antifa over to treat the wound as soon as Mr. Soros is done with them.


Not the first park they’ve done this to.

We all know the reason why Washington did this. Because Dan Snyder feeds off of human misery like some sort of psychic vampire.

So he thought they had given him the starting job, only to have the team take it back? There should be a term for that kind of giving.

the hop, skip, and a jump he took to land from the notoriously casual racism to the concept of a violent nationwide battle for racial supremacy still caught me off-guard.

I’ve lived in Greenville. This piece is accurate. A pretty good portrayal of the white people that vote for trump. I too, thought mentioning the covington kid was unnecessary, but I sure as hell know the smile nick is talking about. This country is full of white people who labor under the delusion that their whiteness