
The Houston Chronicle is reporting that the Houston staffer was bullpen coach Craig Bjornson.

I am high on baseball and this is amazing:

They also said he has dementia, which killed nd of would explain the grab ass and repeatedly telling the same dumb jokes. A lot of people with dementia start saying and doing things they never would have done with all their cognitive functions intact.

I’m not defending sexual harassment - if you have to still say that - but this idea that you have to call out every single guy that’s ever done anything sleazy is a slippery slope.

The dementia angle is a strong one.

I’m not saying it’s appropriate. But he’s clearly not well, likely suffering from dementia, and has no sense of boundaries anymore. I’d hold those around him in charge of his care more accountable. Time to stop putting him in these situations and let the matter, and hm, die.

Calm down, Demetri Martin.

It is now impossible to cheer after any fucking plays in the NFL because everything gets overturned or reviewed for 5 minutes.

“Why is it so hard to run out the clock?”

Also the play where Hayward had a lazy fly ball with Puig on 3rd. Instead of showing where Haywards throw went, they showed Puig standing on the bag.

I find that to be so ironic.

I literally screamed that from the roof tops myself.

Can’t we just be happy TBS dumped Cal Ripken.

They won’t get money from Austin. It seems the owner really wants to be there anyway.

The mayor has spoken out against it and I doubt it’ll materialize with public financing. People are so aware of the traffic and congestion problems already I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s serious outcry against even zoning for a privately financed stadium. I think (hope) they picked the wrong city to threaten to

the guy who owns the team would rather be in Austin?

The joke’s on him if he thinks he’s going to get a stadium anywhere near downtown Austin. The last team in Austin played at a high school football stadium located in a flood plain. Needless to say, it has flooded twice in the last five years. Besides, there is no room in downtown Austin. They can’t go north or south

As an Austin resident, I hope Columbus tells him to go fuck himself. I’d love an MLS team here.

I live in Austin and i don’t get what they expect to get out of the city.

And the Mayor of Austin has told the AP that they will not finance a where does that put things?