
As a Kansas Citian, I came to this post specifically to drop an obligatory St Louis burn.

Is the Cardinal way also getting drunk in traffic and Steroids??

There it is! Yes!

i’m so glad i don’t derive my self-esteem from sports

Ozzie Smith: Not a product of the Cardinals farm system and therefore not a true Cardinal.

Came here to see an inevitable Dexter Fowler racist dogwhistle blockquote, and lo and behold....

Sooooo... The Cardinal Way(TM) involves anonymously shit-talking your teammates to the media?

Look around, a Cardinal told me, and see how many of the guys making these mistakes came up through other organizations.

“My foot hurt too. I still served.”
This man is my hero.

Seconded, I’m glad I didn’t skip the video.

As a Texan, I am ashamed of fellow Texans Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz, and Rick Perry. But I am damn proud of Dallas’ local channel 8 sportscaster Dale Hansen. A much-needed beacon in a shitstorm of Texas conservative darkness.

Had seen it but neglected to include it in my examples. As MarcusAurelius alluded to, how does this guy not have a semi-regular slot on 60 Minutes?

This is what I posted on FB after watching this video earlier this evening. I’m now just waiting for my mouth-breathing childhood Texas friends and relatives to go apeshit in the comments. Wish me luck:


Now playing

If you’ve never seen the one he gave after the Penn State scandal hit you should find it. It might be his most powerful piece.

This is a poor video of it, but was the first I could find:

There’s more of us than you think

Now playing

Here’s something I just saw on Hansen’s twitter feed.

Let’s just go ahead and get the inevitable angry-white responses out of the way.

I’m so damn glad to have Dale around. I live in Dallas, and we have that little fuckrag Robert Jeffers giving Trump a Baptist smokescreen and ranting about how athletes would be shot in the head somewhere else. So thanks to Dale, we have at least some pride in our national figures.

“It’s a dog whistle to the racists among us to say otherwise.”