
The sport of kings I say.

I worked in the service industry for about 10 years before and during college. I’ve seen racism at about every income level on the spectrum from college town dive bar to 5 star hotel in a reasonably sized metro area.

I was pretty sure that I knew how I felt, having drawn my conclusion from decades of experience, but then a stranger on the internet called me delisional and now I’m all confused.

You know what? THANK GOD you were here to change everyone’s mind about literally everything they’ve ever felt, thought or experienced. Trolls, man. That shit is DEEP. I’m glad y’all got TWO movies. Y’all are under-represented. That must suck. I can only image choking on your spindly, purple felt-based hair. Your

“Perhaps because I am young and not covered in tattoos,...”

As a lonely lefty working in a sea of trump supporters, I feel your pain. I >look< like a MAGA fan, so I hear quite a bit of overt & covert racism. I have stepped up my calling-out comments since the election. I am civil and low-key about it, but firm. “Hey, man, that’s not right: people are just people trying to live

Thank you for writing this. It is tough on us Southern folk who do not agree with the conservatism. I am sorry you could not go to school. I am from Texas, get made fun of here in Washington for my accent, but I managed to finish my nursing degree. I hope you will eventually get to finish as well.

I live in Texas and I worked at a call center for customer service for several years till recently. Because of the type of product my company offered the customers I typically got were old white mean with very conservative outlooks on life. In other words... there was a lot of passive racism and sexist comments thrown

yes, it is no longer a maybe... racists definitely feel emboldened by the white supremacists controlling the WH.

The Mets held a LGBT Shame Night, which was wonderful. After all, it’s a true sign of progress that LGBT folks can be equally as ashamed of being Mets fans as straight folks are.

Watch his play the day before from the first base angle, on a grounder that brushed of Bryant’s glove. He drops to a first baseman’s stretch while the ball is in the air, signals an out and then holds the pose for the camera to soak it up. Whatta a cheeseball!

If this was the NFL, he’d be fined for having fun.

I will never get tired of watching him play, even if he swings at pitches five feet out of the zone.

There is no sadder baseball fan than one who’s team won the pennant but not the ring.

They sure do. But they don’t have an absolute right to hold this thing on campus. They are free to go off campus and have their little hate rally if they want.

Why am I not surprised that so many people on jalopnik are defending honest to God Neo Nazis?

Pathetic demonstration by an ignorant bigot fueled by the rhetoric of a narcissistic, dangerous, senile xenophobe that somehow holds the highest office of the former superpower of the world... This is terrorism of the worst degree and he should held to that standard.

FYI DJ Shadow uses some samples on ...Endtroducing.

“This is not a dream... not a dream. We are using your brain’s electrical system as a receiver. We are unable to transmit through conscious neural interference. You are receiving this broadcast as a dream. We are transmitting from the year one, nine, nine, nine. You are receiving this broadcast in order to alter the