
hope you enjoy President Trump and the gutting of Roe V. Wade then. always good to see how short sighted and stupid some on the left are.

To me, this is offensive. I really hope you vote in November regardless. We need you. I am sure Bernie will vote for Clinton if she is the nominee (and she will for him, if he is). At the very least, think about supreme court nominees.

Awesome, I guess you’ll just let Trump sashay into the White House if she gets the nomination?

Oh FFS. I like Bernie too but this is still top-shelf tweet from the H campaign.

I don’t get this attitude. I love Bernie, I donated to Bernie. But handing over the country to these lunatics out of spite if he doesn’t get the nomination is insane.

Neither will she ever get my vote.

Not even in a purely strategical sense if the election ends up being her vs. Trump? Desperate times call for desperate measures...

I couldn’t help thinking that I hope I’m this feisty when I’m 80.

Hypothetically, what would you do if she wins the nomination and Sanders agrees to serve as her VP?

This is why we can’t have nice things.

You are the problem then.

I’m no fan of neoliberal corporatist war-mongers myself, but she did a remarkable job of articulating the nation’s, nay, the world’s reaction. Give credit where credit is due.

For once, Hillary is America.

I think we found a new love interest for Frank Reynolds.

To be alive at 80? What the fuck do you think

Brewers Spokesperson: We understand that he looks completely different from the way he did last year, but that’s really just the results of a healthy diet and some extra weight gain.

I wish we didn’t give white people such an inflated sense of self importance.

I wish we didn’t give these young male athletes such an inflated since of self importance like we seem to do. This whole rhetoric of banding together with their brother and whatnot...please, you play college basketball, there’s honestly few things less important than that.

Rape culture isn’t a real thing, though. /s