
There’s nothing I love more than when an artist blurs the lines between critique and celebration. That’s what art is for, right?

Wait, what? Why are we talking about Dr. Drew? The article references notorious wackadoo Dr. Oz, but I see no mention of Dr. Drew.

I’m more than happy to call her out on being a shill for cigarettes. It’s just such delicious hypocrisy.

Well to be fair, Cheryl Tiegs is sixty-eight now, a full 40 years older than the target of her preposterous sniping. I don’t want to hate on her because she’s no longer young and lush and ... jesus christ look at Ashley Graham’s FACE. Sorry, got distracted. Anyway. I will, however, hate on her for being a

Exactly. An abortion-free society would be great. One where no woman is ever pregnant without planning because she is educated and has easy access to multiple forms of birth control. One where rape never happens. One where we have advance medically so no child is ever conceived with a medical condition that cannot be

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This reminds me of the late George Carlin’s observation “If you’re pre-born, you’re fine ... If you’re pre-school, you’re fucked”.

Red state resident, here. I teach at a hilariously liberal university. We are a blue pocket and the enemy has us surrounded; send help.

I get it but the most vulnerable people overlap with “people who don’t have the means to move to a better place.”

Safe, legal abortions are actually great public health policy! One of the reasons the pro-choice laws took hold in the late sixties and seventies, leading to the roe v wade decision, was that in 1965 abortion deaths were 17% of deaths attributed to pregnancy. People became pro-choice because as a public policy we

It’s not a coincidence. Republicans are shit at keeping up a decent economy because they are all about policies that save a bit of money on the short term and lose a huge amount of money on the long term. Thus, they have to resort to emotional arguments to make people vote for them.

This is awesome. Period pain is the single biggest cause of sick days in the United States and the cause of a big loss of productivity and labor. An understanding policy that, for example, allows women to work at home at times, would really help.

“is against public policy”

Anyone else find it unsettling that as we make great strides in LGBT issues, we are being jettisoned back to the dark ages when it comes to Women’s Reproductive Rights?

The best funding for an abortion free society would be great sex-ed and free birth control.


I like where you’re going here... let me put on my thinking cap.

Do we have to pick just one?

Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?