
But then there was this:

Take it from a Cubs fan: this is Dusty in mid-season form. Feel the excitment, Washington!

As someone who was a teenager in the ‘80s and perhaps overly influenced by Laura Ashley once upon a time ... why yes, I can ; )

I think she did... she was only 19, very immature and naive, and here comes the adult prince to marry her? He was 33 and knew what he was doing. She was practically a child. She had no clue.

She really was a beautiful woman underneath all of that 80's horrendousness. Even in that last photo, where she seems like she just wants to yell “take the $@&!% photo, already!” she looks lovely.

Oh my god that last photo. Just everything is so amazing. Wills looks like he’s taking a difficult shit.

wow at the lightening/airbrushing on that first pic. it’s beautiful

Ah, I remember it well. I remember the beginning, the middle, the awkwardness, the tragic ending. And I remember what passed for royal style in the 1980s.

Perhaps you mistake “awkward” for terribly English, and therefore protective of an eternal public cordial bearing?

Oh dear. I thought 19 was too young anyway but 33 and 19 is a whole other thing.

The media didn’t change the rules. The cultural revolution and feminism changed the rules; they redefined marriage. Women deserve so much more than to be sold into marriages for social and political reasons to a man who will neither love nor be faithful to them. They deserve more than suffering the humiliation of

I never realized that Diana was that young when Charles proposed. At that time he was 33. Anybody else find this a tad on the icky side?

My mom and I went to England a few weeks before the wedding, and the whole country was nuts. There was royal wedding swag for sale everywhere.

Charles knew damn well what “in love means.” he just happened to love someone else. I feel kind of sorry for him because the media changed the rules and he was slow on the up-take. In previous times, he would have married Diana, produced the heir, and happily continued to have a not so secret second family that

My three female third grade teachers and at least half my mom’s friends got the Diana haircut in 1981. And then I tried it in 1982, and I looked like one of the orphans on Little House on the Prairie. I should have predicted that.

Can’t we agree that all Yankees fans, rich and poor alike, are, by definition, irredeemable front-running suck-ups deserving of no sympathy, regardless of the relative assholery of the actual franchise?

I live in one of the southern states and I know the difference between its and it's.

Preach on! Idiocracy has NOTHING to do with eugenics. It's a satire projection of where life is headed.

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?