
Good thing ESPN just unveiled their new Sportscenter war room. Shit's about to go down.

Top 8 Opt Outs:

That's a Rust Belt syndrome. We have it in Detroit too.

Exciting! Another opportunity to watch Cleveland's unrealistic dreams be crushed in the most savage way possible.

Mexico CAN NOT win the World Cup because Chris Farley is not alive to play the role of Herrera in the epic movie about it

As many times as Mexico has been told they will not make it this year, they sure have fought like champs. These guys deserve this Mexican Chris Farley moment.

Man all the CONCACAF teams except shin kicking Honduras have been fun to watch

The Dutch of 2014 are badass. But, as far as historically badass Dutch are concerned, they're still number 2

An additional benefit: This result most likely produces a Chile/Brasil knockout round match, which should be a terrific game.

It's probably pretty fair to assume this man's name was Todd.

gas was .99 when I graduated high school in 1999.

Shit, the opening scene of Die Hard shows gas under $1/gal. $2 gas would be some really really young parents.

Were her kids constantly wandering into neighboring yards and then being claimed by the neighbors? Was she regularly taking other people's kids home from kindergarten and then getting into fights over who's kid it was? Was she unable to distinguish her children from a large herd?

i like temple despite it's flaws—it's needlessly dark and violent, rather overtly racist in a lot of ways, and kate capshaw is unrelentingly annoying. but it's got the bridge scene, which is amazing, and the opening sequence is fun. and the mine cars are neat (especially when i was a kid)

"You know, I'm a voter. Aren't you supposed to lie to me and kiss my butt?"

[Does enthusiastic, affirmative Roger Rabbit]

Yeah me too, this is the first I'm hearing of it being considered bad.

Also, "On Our Own" is Bobby Brown at his finest.

I really like Ghostbusters 2. I was pretty surprised when the internet told me it was considered to be crappy. It's only bad relative to the first one and it's biggest flaw is the backstory they use to get from the end of 1 to the beginning of 2, but it's consistently funny.