
Shouldn't Boris Diaw be celebrating with his teammates?

Someone in an earlier thread feels we are racist for not getting it. You can't win.

Cue: how dare that old man with the high BMI do anything other than write? :)

¡No sabe nada, Juan Nieves!

Watching this game in Mexico, I've never been so amped from a scoreless anything. Ochoa was amazing

Accurate representation of Ochoa's game today

You can hover, THEN wipe up after yourself. I do it because I'm obsessed with strengthening my thigh muscles.

Women who hover should be thrown into a giant vat of piss.

Tim Duncan has been my favorite player since I got back into the NBA in 2003. I never understood why people thought he was boring. I get why they thought the *Spurs* were boring — I watched every minute of that 2005 series against Detroit, for example, and it was just brutal — but Duncan himself has always clearly

That was *much* more satisfying than watching LeBron and D-Wade doing a celebratory, sunglasses-on, mic-dropping party rap in Da Club afterwards. Thank you Spurs!!!

Now playing

Dammit, I hate myself for forgetting to put this step-back three in the highlight reel above. This was right after the huge dunk. Manu rules:

Now playing

They're making up for the pay cuts with that sweet HEB endorsement money.

If they were the New York Spurs or Los Angeles Spurs, people wouldn't find them boring. Stop regurgitating what the media tell you and think for yourself.

It was a post-championship treat for the Big Funadmental. Probably threw the barista off her game when he went away from the usual.

Im more of a fan of college ball, mostly because of ball movement and team play. They reminded me of watching a insanely talented bunch of college kids who can work together to just thrash someone. Hell, it was probably more like watching a bunch of guys that genuinely like each other play a pickup game just to fuck

I love all you guys who call the Spurs "boring". No, really, I do. Here, have a smooch. On behalf of the (apparent) minority who prefer to watch basketball played as a team sport rather than as another all-star-weekend-dunk-contest, I find the Spurs the exact opposite of boring.


"It was Dennis Rodman('s) ... effort to bring down Kim Jong-Un's dictatorship from inside the paint."