
Hi there, someone who attended a decent number of games in the multiple years between when I obtained a drivers license and September 2001 here: GBA’s terrible strains were not played during the 7th inning stretch before then.

Now playing

I’m sorry, but this DC area man still wins the contest for best rendition of that tune.

Now playing

Weather’s turning nice outside, time to roll down my windows and blast this rock at max volume during rush hour.

See, it’s not just dumbass fans who believe every routine fly ball (this one had a 95% catch probability) is a home run.

It happens to us all eventually. Unless you’re one of the very most specials. Welcome to Greyland.

Well, it’s kept Hawk in retirement so far this year, so at least it’s doing its job.

Can confirm, I didn’t get get in and get to my seat (had to grab beer first) at The Ballpark In Arlington until nearly third inning. And I’ve been to that very same ballpark for a playoff game a mere 3 years ago. The pictured spot in line moved maybe 40 feet during one full hour, and we spent a total of nearly two

I’ll never forget that magnificent 1996 performance by noted gymnast Magarri Strugg.

“A burger is bland without it.”???

I bet Jerry Jones tipped them off, since he knows the gals pretty well.

I read no lies here. Owners, stop being completely shitty, for fuck’s sake.

The best thing is that my own very very Texan dad, at least a decade before Office Space was a thing, used to opine about the superiority of Swingline staplers to other lesser brands. The fact that he, at the time, looked very similar to Stephen Root in Newsradio all but endeared Milton to me in the most paternal of

Not just high school boys. Every 20-something dude also owned these in my experience getting out of college and staring “real life” at that time.

As a stubborn Dallas-born Cowboys fan, one who has no patience anymore for most of the fanbase and especially not for Jerry Jones’s horseshit, whenever I get asked the inevitable “well, why don’t you just pick another team?” question, my response since this movie came out has been a paraphrase of Michael’s “Why should

Friendly reminder that Sinclair is coming for a good chunk of the Fox RSNs too. A lot of sports fanbases will have trouble remaining out of the grasp of their absolute shitshow.

Hello, yes, to what address do I send my tithes?

I have an acquaintance through my best friend who is a defense attorney for a regional fast food chain and his area of expertise is dealing with idiots like this, trying to milk the parent company for self-inflicted “injuries”. The anonymized stories he tells are amazing and I wish he could share video with us every

This feels far too tame for Drew. But maybe the painkillers have taken his edge off...

Damnit Karl, you are singlehandedly fueling the ire of the hands-down worst fanbase this side of Dallas. Can’t you just clap your hands and say you believe in Patsies so they’d maybe think twice about being so goddamned obnoxious?

*makes a mental note to start watching way more hockey*