
Peterman signed by Gruden in Oakland AND Drew comes back to life? Has Christmas just arrived early??

I prefer this explanation as to his lack of tweeting compared to the alternatives...

It’s this absence right in the heart of football season that makes me realize how much I’ll truly miss Jambaroo once he moves on for good. 

WAKE UP, Deadspin! Wake up! It’s 8:30am and he’s right back at it again! Daddy needed another shot or 5 of his morning medicine to help take the edge off of that hangover, I presume.

You forgot Option 3, which is, “Someone who hates the fucking Yankees and enjoys seeing them humiliated on national TV.”

It’s “nice” in a grim way to know that I’m not alone in this shit, because it sure feels like it sometimes.

Meanwhile my lifelong Texan, Spurs-loving, liberal-despite-being-raised-by-Republican-Baptists self is gonna ride this round of the playoffs out to the bitter damn end and be glad that ingrates like Cassie there aren’t on board. Love you, Pop. Never, ever change.


The best news for Bartolo is that the Rangers minor league team is in Round Rock, home of Round Rock Donuts and its infamous monstrosity:

That first one to him wasn’t just ANY Houston staffer - that was Deadspin Legend Craig Bjornson!

I’ve concluded that this is what’s leading to my loss of interest in football overall (and the NFL especially). Almost anything big has some dumbass penalty that had nothing to do with the play or a review killing the joy.

We exist, we’re just drowned out by the rural racists and bible thumpers.

As a hetero lady and longtime baseball fan, it’s beneficial for both sides of my relationship to think about baseball during sex.

KINJA should’ve died with Gawker, it is literally the worst. DAMN YOU HULK HOGAN, you sued the wrong thing out of existence!!

As a progressive raised by conservatives, I agree with you on the “if it’s good enough for the goose, it’s good enough for the gander” sentiment. If these guys want me to believe that taxpayer-funded government insurance is SUCH A BAD IDEA, then why are they so dead-set on keeping it for themselves?

She was my Halloween costume that year and it was a glorious night of many free drinks.

Country Joe is also the head of the umpires union, so he has a significant amount of clout when it comes to him getting his desired assignments from the league.

Now playing

Ever hear the James McMurtry song about the former? Damn if that ain’t accurate.

“Hey guys, wanna hear my Will Ferrell Harry Caray impression? Check out my loud plaid suit, eh! I’m just SO wacky!”