
I was nearly killed in a head-on highway-speed car accident a month ago (massive blood loss, 12 ribs & collarbone & arm broken, seatbelt cut into my midsection, arterial damage & stroke from said blood loss), and just when things were getting better... this shit happens. Damnit.

Well, there goes the only reason I ever sought out E!...

I look forward to your upcoming gallery of sad Jays or Royals fans, Deadspin.

I'm right there with you. Pity such a fun season couldn't have a better conclusion.

That homophobe sure can hit some dingers. Kim Davis must be channeling her hate to help power him.

I used to be Anti-Brussel Sprouts too, but then I had some baked/fried sprouts from a local Asian fusion place and oh my god, they are my crack now. I crave it at least a few times a week.

Kim Davis must be channeling him all of her homophobia powers.

As a Cubs fan, about half of me is in this emotional state too - the other half is going “come on girl, you’re a Cubs fan, what’d you expect?” Damnit, Mets, y’all better go beat the shit out of the Royals in the World Series...

Kyle gave the least amount of fucks during rookie hazing. When asked why he didn’t go for a long dress, he said, “Because I have great legs.” (Not a joke either, that exchange legit happened.)

The team is doing exactly that, at least for the rest of the postseason.

Now playing

Cubs fan, so last time I cried live for them was 2003. But this commercial legitimately gets me tearing up every damn time I watch it, to this very day (like, right now):

Idiots like that just give reasonable Texans & Cowboy fans like me yet another reason to avoid Jerryland on Sundays. (The others being drunk Okies, expensive shit parking, expensive shit seats, traffic, and Rowdy.)

Oh look, Goodwill couture.

Even Cubs fans hate the kind of Cubs fans that would go to the DraftKings Lame-Ass Corporate Bar O’ Shitty Beer rather than keep to the same stinky old dive they’ve been watching the Cubs mostly-lose in for decades.

Dude, those people were jerks and pretty much anyone reasonable admits the blame lies with Alou and then the rest of the team for blowing the rest of that game AND the one after it. Don't lay that on the whole damned fanbase.

There will be “knuckleheads” everywhere on his broadcast today.

HEAR HEAR! The Cubs & Bucs will never truly hate each-other as long as they have to deal with the evil assholes that are the Cards & their “bfib” jackasses.

That’s why the Cubs never took on that “tradition” - they were determined not to let the terrorists win. Or themselves, but that's just Cubs baseball in general...