
Support call center for a large automobile manufacturer. That's about as specific as I want to get, but she's since left and now works at this awesome creative place with her husband. Don't know about the fired part, but I might have to drop her a message and see if she can get any inter-office gossip from her old

Haha, it's true, I love this city, but I've often described its social scenes as "incestuous" - you know people and you meet new people and find out they know half the people you do too. It's crazy. In fact, one of my friends actually worked with this exact douchenozzle at her last job - he said he was creepy and

Yeah, I stopped into Dominican Joe's once, and while it's a nice place and the coffee's decent, the clientele seemed, well, not quite my crowd. Back to Bennu, or Epoch or, hell, even Spider House for me. (I miss you, Mojo's Daily Grind!)

He seems like he'd be comfortable on Dirty 6th, and, to a certain extent, West 6th too. I desperately hope his distaste for East Austin and tattooed people keeps him off East 6th entirely, because I don't want to see his type around my dives.

He needs to go die in a fire (okay, not seriously, but he needs to move the fuck out of Austin) for saying shit like that. In this history of this city, white folks quite literally drove "that *type*" of people to East Austin decades ago, and the idea of purposefully pricing them out YET A-FUCKING-GAIN is 100% evil,

"Just pointing out that history seems to show whites as always rising to the top and dominating all other countries and cultures..."

When he mentioned how much he despises East and North Austin, I was honestly relieved, because most places I tend to hang out are around there. *whew!* Dodged a douchebag-bullet there.

Ugh, so I'm sure he can't go back there. Bro needs to GTF out of Austin. He belongs in a WASPy McMansion-filled suburb somewhere.

One of my friends said she used to work at her large corporation's support center here in Austin with him, and that he just seemed creepy to her then. I posted this yesterday on my FB and she freaked out a little, saying "oh my god, it makes so much more sense now!"

Yup. I was just looking at that part too. If I can get fired for no damn reason, then he can too.

"Now James maintains he was fired because he's too conservative for Fox."

Also, I'd just like say that I'd put money on there not being a single "naughty" boy or unisex costume out there. Once I'm proven wrong, then I'll happily believe that "naughty" is on its way back its typical, misbehaving meaning.

Holy shit, that's amazing/awful. And I thought Tony Parker's delivery was questionably bad in those Spurs local HEB commercials...

Unlocked are available, they're just not easy to come by right now. The Apple Store by my house had a small number of all varieties at launch, but (naturally) the size I was looking for sold out super fast - they still had some unlocked 16GB in that black/gray combo when I asked on Saturday.

I wanted the silver unlocked T-Mobile model in 64GB. SOL anywhere for miles, so I just had to order online & get to wait until October. Oh well, my 4 is still working in the mean time.

Tried my significant-other's Android (at length), didn't enjoy it, sticking with what I do. Sorry if continuing to use what I feel works best for me makes me a sheep.

Yeah, he sounds like he'd jump right back on the annoying-ass bandwagon my team has. *sigh* It's a can't-win situation when your born into it in Dallas, I swear.

"...with the possible exception of the Cowboys"

I was also joking. Internet! It conveys sarcasm so well!

Wait, I wasn't supposed to be? Shit, I guess I should have had that fax machine in my house fixed back in '91, because I completely missed that memo.