
Romo throws constant bitchface and seems to be yelling any time the game's going in the shitter, but the commentators never blame him for anything going wrong (even when they fuckin' should). In general, the non-QB blame/allowed QB Rage seems to be a privilege of the name-brand position (for certain QBs at least...

Events where they don't let you bring in "detachable lens" cameras, but you still want some nice DOF and zoom options for decent photos.

Day 2 belongs on a feminine hygiene product.

God's honest truth, right there. This city and its tacos are serious business.

Every time I see it, it just looks more reptilian. She would not be out of place in a "Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert"-style lizard costume, only I'm sure that's far too covered up & "non-artistic" for her at this point.

He's a miracle! King of the impossible! (Since the Jets getting any traction this year would be nearly impossible and/or a miracle.)

Good thing I learned to understand football back when I was a preteen girl - if I'd waited until womanhood, then it probably would have been impossible! Lady-brains no understand ball-throwing man-running actions on bright shiny screen...

What is this? A picture for ants?? (Probably Kinja's fault...)

And not a lick of Daryl Johnston in that painting. Therefore, it can go right to hell.

Can we just all come to a consensus that both metro areas are awful?

Well, good thing I don't live in the North East and I go to Sally Beauty Supply anyways. ;D

My boyfriend is still begrudgingly an Astros fan, but the day they announced they were switching to the AL was a dark day in our household. He still hangs on due to a sense of loyalty that was embedded in him as a young sports fan, but he has contemplated following other NL teams (that are not the Cardinals) since. If

Sorry Bey, sorry Katie, but Billie Jean's still got everyone beat. Because Fair is Fair.

Now playing

It's the idiot prince character he played on "Blackadder The Third" (which I desperately need to rewatch).

E'rywhere. For real.

"Having a kid makes you a thousand times more sensitive to all the sex and violence on television. It's HORRIBLE."

I'm just impressed that she was able to keep her flip-flops on while both wasted and in the water. That dude at Coachella could learn a thing or two from her.

"What do you do every week gals, do you fill up the gas tank or do you have an abortion?"

Oh Nikky, I see that my mom wasn't the only one to think that an awful spiral perm while growing new adult teeth was the best idea ever. Sure, the Wal-Mart portrait studio didn't happen, but school pictures that I do not have online right now did occur. What I'm saying is, you're not alone, and maybe we should start

"That includes: