
Really, Amanda Bynes, a blue wig & tank top in court?

Seriously, is he trying to look like this with that leather sleeveless shirt & drop-crotch pants?

I was just surprised he wasn't the ringbearer. He would have been adorable in a little tux, toddling down the aisle.

I'm sure he's a TRUE FAN! "Yeah, I've always loved the... which team is this again? Black-something... WOOO, NUMBER 1!!"

Race? Pssh, more like an Adorableness Pageant.

I keep being told that I should be ashamed of my feet & hide them away due to the simple fact that they are feet, but fuck it, those bitches don't like to be cooped up. I admit, I do live in a very warm & humid part of the country where I can feasibly wear sandals & flip-flops 8 months of the year that we're over 80

"Donald Glover will only appear on 5 of the 13 episodes of the upcoming season of Community."

Goddamn right. Just eat it. Get a sharp ax & do the dirty work & you'll have a nice dinner in a few hours. My mom told me about her chopping heads off chickens at my great-grandma's place during her own youth way back when I was just a wee preschool girl, so I've never had any illusions about it (and honestly thought

Ahhhh, the Spurs-Rockets series next year are going to be funnnnn...

Because when we're you get we get jokes, even from our friends, about how pasty we are, or that we're blinding them once in a swimsuit at the pool. I thankfully realized really fast that I would never tan (I just freckle up even more and that's it) & gave up (despite the awful comments), but I know plenty of others

It's definitely not something to take lightly. I have my dad's same pale complexion & he's about to have one of his entire eyebrows taken off next week because of a malignant melanoma growing below it - and he may possibly lose part of one of his upper eyelids to boot, depending on how far the melanoma's spread under

I agree with most of what your saying & wish people would lay off that part of the snark, but when it comes to the amount of either airbrushing or makeup going on in that pic, that's something that I myself thought was ridiculous. It has not one thing to do with the main point of the story, but it is a terrible makeup

Ugh, don't get me started with those Domain-dwelling tools...

My first semester at UT, way back in the early 'Aughts, I lived on the upper floor of Taos Co-Op, so I had frequent run-ins with the incredibly bro-tastic bro population in West Campus all the damn time. I loved my time in the building itself, filled with a plethora of dirty hippies & creative types, and haunting area

As an Austinite, I agree with this point: yes, the Austin season of The Real World did suck. All they ever did was walk two blocks down to Dirty 6th & get shots at the Chugging' Monkey (or some other douchey, fratty bar). It annoyed the fuck out of me at first, but then I realized that they were awful people & I was

Ah, Lone Star, my cheap-ass beer of choice.

NO. I live in Austin, and just NO. SXSW & UT football game days are already a big enough clusterfuck.

As a former resident of the mighty Tulsa-area suburb of Bixby, I just have the following to say: HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA, oh, that's a good one Tulsa. A good one indeed...


Having things in color really does make the most remarkable difference in the world, seemingly breaking down some mental wall we put up (or at least that's the case with me). I went through my grandma & grandpa's Kodachrome slides that the haven't seen in a decade (since the slide projector broke) and scanned them