
My mom's been going on about The End Of The World since I was 12, and she still won't answer this question when I bring it up to her. Same thing goes for my "Why should I start a family? Why should I buy a house? Why should I save for retirement if the End Times are just going to come along anyway?"

NOM Facebook page freakouts, you say? Please tell me there are people trolling them, because if so...

Yeah, any small girl who is willing to go that hard on the rock scale and name songs things like "Zombie Skin" only fuels my ovaries' ever-increasing demands to be used.

No, I don't mean maliciously cruel. I meant "Oh! The feels!" "cruel." If they ever win, then that switches to "awesome" instantaneously. Totally my feelings here, not the ad itself.

Per the Texas Tribune Live Blog:

Yeah, "shady motherfuckers" could be the best description of the Texas GOP that ever was. They've been that way as long as I've been paying attention, and surprise-surprise, they still are today.

Any word on WTF just happened there? All my satellite-based clocks said 12:02, but it sounded like they were standing up at the podium voting.

This isn't her first filibuster rodeo, mind you - she did the same back a couple years ago to prevent $5bil in cuts to Texas Education. Since losing Ann, I've been in a funk, but she is reminding me so much of Ann that I'm literally crying with happiness for the fact that another strong, vociferous woman is willing

Oh my dear god in heaven lord almighty, I hope you are right. Because when it comes to Texas politicians and their insistence to continually screw me over nearly all of my 30 years of life here (with the exception of Ann's beautiful term as gov), I just, I CAN'T.

I always assumed that Uncle Ruckus was loosely based on him.

Fiestaaaaa. (And yes, FWD does kinda suck, but whatever - if more people lean the other way, fine, more for me!)

Yeah, my friends moved up to Chicago and said traffic laws there are merely a loose suggestion, but everyone understands this and doesn't tend to get their panties in a twist when someone does something possibly nutty in front of you.

'Bout. Goddamn. Time. When he was on, yes, he was great, but there was no middle ground, no consistency. He was either hot or terribly, TERRIBLY cold (especially after piling up runners on base with the aforementioned walks), and I've been yelling at him on my tv/computer screen for years now. Good riddance.

But hey! They finally DFA'd Marmol today! Maybe we can end the season not in the NL Central basement!

Oh yeah, you learned *real fast* to either watch where you were going or live in pain. I'm pretty sure I still have some dents in my skull from the furniture of that era (to go along with the scars from playing unattended outdoors and falling at times, as kids used to do).

Yeah, I've told my friends who live in Wicker Park that if it ever looks like the Cubs will finally win (and if they haven't found a job & moved elsewhere in the country), I'm absolutely visiting & staying with them just so I can be there when it happens (because Texas is too far away for a decent celebration). I just

Amen! I've been saying it ever since I heard it as a child, so yup, I'm not changing 25+ years of behavior because one commenter deems it "over".

Yeah, I was watching it live and thinking "Oh, so that's what those final 30 seconds would have been like if I didn't have stakes in one of the teams."

Is there any way we can convince the Blackhawks to start playing for the Cubs now? I mean, someone has to let that team know that postseasons and championships aren't just bedtime stories...

Yup, reminds me of my childhood too, back when TVs that large pretty much lived only on the floor (and, as such, lying on the floor on your stomach & watching them wasn't a pain in the neck). Ah, youth...