
Ah, I didn't know I was hate-filled, misogynistic, and uneducated, and I could have sworn that the non-Republicans I was voting for specifically mentioned their stance as pro-choice. I'm such a dum-dum!! Guess I gotta go turn in my Feminist Card...

I would love more crazy Rick stories. Living as long as I have in Austin, I've heard a few juicy ones in my time, but fresh goodness is always nice. On another note, why don't we have a runoff system in this state? A couple of elections back, he "won" with a little over 30% of the vote and I was soooo damn mad!

Agreed. My district goes from where I live in North Austin all the way through a huge swath of good ol' boy country & down to the western suburbs of Houston. And, thanks to that, I have an asshat Republican that I keep getting rage-inducing mailers from - I'm positive that jackass voted for this.

My boyfriend (native Corpus Christian - Molina to be exact), never experienced any direct racism until he moved to Beaumont his sophomore year of high school, and even then, it was (unfortunately) a crotchety old teacher who kept lowballing his grades & hovering obverse him and any other Hispanic students during tests

Only if you're going by "which states were part of the Confederacy" - otherwise, it's too huge & varied to be labeled as a part of just one distinct region.

I heard my father use the word once when I was 5 years old (we lived in Memphis at the time, in the mid-'80s, and almost all of my classmates and friends were black), and I WENT OFF on him like a 5-year-old almost never would. Tore him a new asshole, despite my usual demeanor of loving adorable little daughter - how

As a Cubs fan in a long-term relationship with an Astros fan, truer words have never been said.

I have a 101-degree fever & a sore throat that's so raw no losenge will sooth it, but I drove my sick ass an hour+ down I-35 from Austin to show my love to them as their plane came in - and the street outside the airport was packed with cheering Spurs fans. It blows that they didn't get this one, but you can't win 'em

It makes me wish my Fiesta wasn't stock and only FWD. And that I had talent.

Exactly - the end of the Golden State series immediately comes to mind, where they almost all stayed and cheered for that team about a month ago. It showed top-notch class & made me even tear up a little bit. The best fans stay until the bitter fucking end & let their team know that they appreciate all they did to get

The two headlines regarding this on Deadspin gave me the laugh I needed last night (since I had to drive back to Austin for work today and therefore could not drown my disappointment in alcohol). Also, despite the fact that we were absolutely gutted by the outcome of the game (especially since it looked like they had

They changed it back quickly, but Wikipedia edit logs don't lie.

Don't know what you're talking about - the fiberglass shell chairs I have are crazy comfy.

Awesome. (I keep being told I need to watch this show, yet I keep not getting around to it for some reason.)

Did he just say "funky buttlovin'?"

Afford? Pfft... my fiberglass shell chairs are beloved hand-me-downs that had been my grandparents' from the 1950s up until I inherited them. Three generations of kids have done their worst to those chairs & they're still going strong.

Oh. Em. Eff. Gee. Mark Ruffalo... how can one man be so damn perfect?

I have no issue with back hair (same goes for if it travels up to the shoulders, down onto the butt, across the thighs, whatever), but I definitely like bit of fur on a chest, so a lot of guys I find with fuzz on the front often have fuzz on the back too. I don't actively seek it out, but I don't get repelled by it as

I love Deep Eddy Vodka (especially the sweet tea variety mixed with either more sweet tea or some lemonade), but I do not want them partnering with any celeb, even one as nice & "Fank"ful as Adele.