The national organisation of women have tried to bring this case to the supreme court at least twice before, both times being shot down by sexist opposition. Evidently its not that alien an issue to many feminists
The national organisation of women have tried to bring this case to the supreme court at least twice before, both times being shot down by sexist opposition. Evidently its not that alien an issue to many feminists
I actually tried to register when they showed up at our high school in the late ‘90s. They were like, “Oh, no, honey, girls don’t have to sign up,” and I basically said, “Look, if things are that bad that we’re having a freaking draft, then I want to be called up, same as anyone else, and I’d think they’d want anyone…
I’d be happy to see Selective Service registration abolished just so MRAs would lose a talking point.
I think it should be the goal, but am skeptical that’s the goal for this Men’s Rights group. I suspect they just want women be subjected to the same BS regarding the draft that men are instead of eliminating the BS for everyone.
I know I’m in the minority on this, but I truly believe we need mandatory national service in the US, for all young men and women. It doesn’t have to be military service per se, just service.
This feels like a ‘win’ that doesn’t really feel like a win at all. This MRA group sounds every ounce as terrible as one would expect (them complaining about men being subjected to the draft hasn’t applied since the Vietnam War so it’s not the most urgent of problems with the military). I think the inequity in the…
The point of the lawsuit isn’t really to draft women; it’s to get rid of mandatory Selective Service registration altogether on the grounds that it’s discriminatory.
organic free-range-coddled-by-a-human eggs and grass-fed-brushed-a-hundred-times-a-night beef
True, but any lawyer will tell you never to take the stand in your own defense, even if you are innocent. You misunderstand a question and answer wrong, or get confused, and you’re done. Also, never talk to cops.
That’s from the wrongful-death lawsuit, which was never going to end with him being in jail.
I think we’re going to see a lot more grassroots efforts to solve crimes (that the police have failed to) in the future- since it’s obvious that police and detectives are incompetent and more concerned with defending themselves than doing their jobs.
God, yeah. I can’t imagine what it’s like for Doug Evans to have his racism and absolute willingness to destroy an innocent life over the course of decades blasted out to the world like that, but I hope it really sucks.
I listened to this podcast and am so glad they arrested this POS. From all accounts, Paul Flores was/is a major creep and is the obvious suspect in Kristin’s murder. There’s some trial footage where he keeps repeating “I’m invoking my Fifth Amendment rights against incriminating myself” over and over... and it’s…
This is totally pessimistic for no reason.
A (greyed) commenter here saying that all Terfs (i.e. women who have beliefs that differ from theirs) should all die, is exactly why the women in this article fight for sex based rights. Violent misogyny is real, even on a website like Jezebel. Friendly reminder that even if you disagree with these women, doesn’t mean…
yes, why tf would you have 300k in cash?? I'm not expert, but that seems like a major missed opportunity.
FDIC only insures up to $250,000. She doesn’t even care enough to spread it around to multiple accounts and lose that $100,000.
And here I was, excited that my checking balance was over $1000 for the first time in 20 years.
You missed a decimal place in there, though she likely views $36,000 the same as $3,600.