
This is my issue with the term poc it’s almost always used to mean “black”

Not to take a single thing away from Ms. Jenkins, but just to clarify some history:

So much this. Lots of my colleagues work from home. But the ones who do it and are trying to watch their kids on a regular basis make me nuts. Don’t make me have a meeting with you while you are driving car pool.

THANK YOU. This was my point on the previous article. Most of these are SAHM who do not have the ability to get a job that even pays enough for child care, so they get sucked into things as they need more money to even make event.

I’m not a Spouse anymore, but the overpriced Pampered Chef pots and pans followed me into civilian life.

THE “I’M A SMALL BUSINESS OWNER” garbage, these MLM people throw around....uuuuuuuugh. NO YOU ARE NOT.

Tights & leggings are two different things.

I hate that I have invested thousands and 15 years into my incorporated business and have a fucking MLM rep tell me that they “run a woman-owned small business, too!”. No. No you fucking do not. Ugh. Lots of times even the reps don’t realize they are 100% being used as consumers and pawns in these schemes.

Gah, I love these horrible movies. Pretty, smutty, low stakes. Exactly what the doctor ordered in these exhausting times.

Okay. I’ve never read the books or seen the films...that being said, I kind of dig this. I reminds me A LOT of Old School Jackie Collins...when this shows up on Amazon streaming, Netflix or Hulu, will watch.

Have you actually watched the Beyond Stranger Things episode in question? Or just read this recap that’s really reaching, to put it lightly.  

If this site has it’s way, every TV show will be nothing more than a group of diverse people openly discussing their grievances.

Not to mention her parents were in the room...I think we’re looking a little too hard for outrage in this case.

It’s really weird to invoke Spacey and House of Cards about this. Spacey was an adult who was sexually assaulting minors and sexually harassing crew members on the set of his show. That’s not remotely comparable to a television showrunner deciding that a scene calls for two characters to kiss. There’s nothing

I’m ashamed that I clicked on this. Were you ever fifteen, Barsanti? I was uncomfortable all the time when I was fifteen, and I wasn’t on a hugely successful TV show at the time.

OK she needs to not equate “being a good person” with not wanting to talk about vulgar stuff though because someone can be a good person and engage in “locker room talk” and think it’s fun. (I’m not talking about her higher-ups doing this to her non-consensually and making her uncomfortable, I’m talking about at the

Wow. I can’t believe Brittany physically attacked Jax. That’s deeply fucked up. I hope she gets kicked off the show.

Just one person’s opinion, but to me “Public Money” makes it seem like some slush fund from who-knows-where to be spent will-nilly and “Taxpayer Money” seems like hard-earned gains to be spent wisely.

One article. Just one article on this site not written by complete morons is all I ask.

When I picture a taxpayer I picture myself. Because I pay taxes. There are almost zero situations where the first thing to come to mind is a homeless, black, trans teen. That a very specific niche.