
The larger issue is walking on egg shells when dealing with anything black. Is the message the enraged internet sending that Dove should just avoid black faces altogether because it comes with this paranoid baggage? Honestly, why aren’t asians outraged at this ad?

You normally seem rational and objective.

The ad isn’t about a black woman “washing the black off” and turning into a white woman with the help of dove soap. It’s about dove soap being good for women if every skin color.

At least The Root doesn’t have white contributors. It also (in my opinion) kicks Jezebel’s ass from an advocacy pov.

Forgive me if this has been asked and answered, but has anyone talked to Tracie Egan Morrisey? She left Jez for Vice/Broadly, so I’d be interested in hearing how she feels about it.

and people are shocked Sunderland(and all the other dudes) is trash? The fallout from all of this has been so delicious; the Nuzzi stuff an excellent side effect

Wow, I mean, that’s SUCH a new joke, isn’t it? I mean, I’ve sure never heard it before, boy howdy, nope. Fat feminists, haha, wow, sick burn.

In the same way that I don’t want even an exceptionally qualified male OBGYN, I don’t really feel, idk if “comfortable” is the right word, but I guess it just seems a little out of place to see male writers on sites for women. As in, geared toward women and the experiences of women, but still need a man to explain

I’ve seen a lot of parenting articles talking about how going from one to two children is harder than zero to one. It doesn’t seem intuitive and it’s definitely not scientific.

18 people losing their jobs is an example of American unions working?

I know I’m meant to be horrified by this government overreach, but sofar I haven’t read a story in which I would want the officials to act substantially differently. Could they be nicer? Sure. But do you really want an official investigating a baby with an unexplainable skull fracture to drop it? “Oh well! This 7

The top story is the first one in this entire series that didn’t nauseate me and make me feel like we were supposed to sympathize with child abuse.

These stories are FAR more sympathetic than the last few, esp the one about the mom who hit her kid with a belt.

Yet the French are still notorious assholes when it comes to real women of above average size. I’ve seen numerous stories about bigger women having a harder time getting jobs purely because being fat is seen as a major character flaw. And these aren’t just morbidly obese people*, it’s also women who are simply

This is absolutely fantastic.

Also, in the interest of stopping witch hunts, police have cleared Marilou Danley of any connection to the shootings.

I agree 100% with you. It may not be a popular stance for a liberal to take, but sometimes a government needs to step in to right a wrong. Wearing burqas is wrong and there is actually nothing in Islam that tells them to do so. It’s not religious freedom..its oppression perpetued by men to keep one gender controlled.

Who pretends progress is happening?

It’s a term used to describe non EU countries.

Third world seems the obvious answer.