
I just thought bougie grocery stores were my reward for not having children.

i mean it sounds like they are in the process of doing that currently, so they could be finding her now

they didnt talk to each other bc of their egos. i don’t have a lot of sympathy for that.

why are you being fair to police. do you know police? they don’t need your sympathy.

People are being murdered in those neighborhoods already. Drawing attention to it because it’s a person we deem a human being worth caring about would be a good thing.

It def seems like in this case police spent 25 years covering up their own incompetance rather than trying to solve the case.

like hello maybe what’s unhealthy for us is being raped and murdered, not acknowledging that reality by listening to a podcast about it. 

why not do actual research on if true crime podcasts are bad OR (OR!!!!) if the one and only place where women aren’t gaslit about how common rape and femicide are is actually healthy because it is the one and ONLY place in our culture where our lived reality is reflected back to us.

Yeah congrats you never had skin in the game so it is very easy for you to not have feelings. What a man! where do we put your trophy?

the ideas people stopped talking about because of the blood-lust to make us look stupid (or worse) on Gawker?

this is why we are dying early from not having human contact lol. these women are both married to other people and haven’t spend a lot of time together in 20 years. They are not co-dependent even if they dream about a future where they will have a close relationship.

What luster did the US have that it lost in the last few years? I don’t remember this luster.

will he not get one unless you hold his hand and make the appointment for him?

dump the aliterate loser.


y’all must be on some other internet than me. all the women i know used the pandemic to realize how cruel and abusive the average man is and we’re all celebate now. 

I don’t understand why this is written as if its cute or funny that the woman writing it doesn’t know basic facts about the stories she is reporting on?

that’s gross. not everyone gets their money from men. ramona is a confirmed idiot but she was indeed a millionaire when she met mario.

We welcome men to stop sleeping with us. Imagine how much more vibrant women’s lives would be if they were lived without the fire hose of constant male pressure for us to fuck them.

That is dumb as hell.