The Night King

A group of protesting players drafted a memo, sent to the league office, on specific actions they could take in order to advance the efforts. Of course no one talks about it and people like you assume it doesn’t exist. Many of these players are, and have been, backing up their protest with tangible action. Do your

I’m gonna go “build a bear” is my go-to phrase

Ironically, I think that’s what has me thinking one of the Stark kids is gonna bite it. With only seven episodes left we have all of Team Dany plus the Stark kids on the good side and just Cersei and the Night King opposing them. The conventions of the fantasy genre say that they all team up, Avengers style, to take

Here’s a question: how often does Game of Thrones give us what we want, when we want it, in the way we want it/expect it?

It’s worth remembering that she straight up told Ed Sheeran and those Lannister soldiers that she was headed to Kings Landing to kill the queen. Then she rolls into Winterfell, tells her siblings she’s working on a kill list (like that’s normal), then challenges Brienne to a duel (which she wins) in a very public