
this is not surprising behavior for art majors

well that’s...something

oh I meant shooting people being hard to get into

ugh he has kids

your opinion

could you elaborate? just curious

trump is not a crypto fascist

there it is. always reminding us that he’s a dad. we’re all very impressed, drew.

ugh he’s so pleased with himself in these segments it makes me nauseous

God this is depressing

Drew’s a miserable old asshole. I’m just shocked he didn’t find a way to mention that he’s a dad in this post.

because gawker is too cheap to hire an editor. hogan will put them out of their misery soon

what a bitch

that you’re a sociopath? idk

great, so can jez chill the fuck out now about a woman not being black enough for their liking?

ya totally racists, and not living in a rape culture

“trying to appeal to black voters”?! have you been following this election?? they love her!

so how is she a 'racist’?

talk about an overreaction

sorry kimmy, but the jokes on you