
Why the fuck did time traveling George W. Bush meddle with the riots but didn’t stop 9/11? Oh my God, it really was an inside job.

like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.

then-President George W. Bush

Even worse, later in the show she started to take a shit right there in her dress. There are photos of it. The shit hit the ground and she scooped it up and began to eat it.

No—what I’m saying is that no matter who you are, the world isn’t always going to be nice to you, and its not always going to cater to your individual proclivities; learning to thrive through hardship makes you a stronger person. I am a POC, by the way, and a lawyer, I’ve been there myself, I’ve experienced it first

Oh give me a break. For some reason the link to the source is broken for me right now, even from Wired’s site, but it appears that this is about a group of kids at Northwestern, yeah? It’s not about the universe of hackers on the planet.

No it’s not—a micro-aggression? It’s not targeted at you in any way. Not everything in the world that makes you feel slightly uncomfortable is a micro aggression. And not everyone has to ensure your comfort at all times.

Does it really imply that? Does these young men’s potential to “shape the world,” necessarily exclude other people from having the potential to shape the world? This headline seems like a really silly thing to be up in arms about, sorry.

So it’s racism if a company tries to include a higher percentage of white women as their customers? Did you bother reading any of the statistics on how lopsided the spending is on hair/beauty products on white vs black women?

Why you mad? Would it be better if his rebound looked like a foot? Let the man live

He specifically worked with the show and with GLADD. And yet, we ignore that.

I love my nonconsensually circumcised penis and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

She was literally already advocating we bomb Syria though

I absolutely hate Trump. But this was absolutely necessary. I’m sorry my fellow liberal friends but Assad had to be sent a message and Trump has done it.

I have a feeling that nominations for men would dominate a best acting category if it was open to everyone. But I do like that they will let a person submit themselves into either category for whatever reason.

Fuck Gayle King. She was one of the media lackeys who went to kiss the ring in Trump Tower following the election. And then had the fucking gall to tsk tsk Seth Meyers on his show for being critical of Trump, because we should ‘give him a chance.’ And of course fuck Nazi Princess.

Most people are good, they just don’t get as much attention.

no thank you. beyonce is a bad actress, and an especially bad voice actress.

Nah I’d pass. The “torturing you with a vibrator” doesn’t weird me out. A lot of people are into a lot of teasing/foreplay but the rest.... ehhhhh. I mean I don’t think it’s wrong between two people who are into that. Idk maybe he thinks that’s what the whole 50 shades thing is and all women want that? I would just be

Mike Flynn 2016: “When you are given immunity you’ve probably committed a crime.”