
New Balance was speaking more about their support of Trump’s position on the Trans-Pacific Trade agreement than their support of Trump himself, and they’re not really wrong.

The New Balance thing is overblown.

Oh shut the fuck up you’re gonna end up boycotting everything while unironically wearing your Hugo Boss glasses (you know, the fashion label that outfitted ACTUAL Nazis?). God liberal logic is retarded.

If she wanted the donald to see her sex tape and then voted for him, those are both her own choice. the fact that you want to shame her about her political choices and think bringing up a sex tape is the way to do it...Shame on you

Kid gets beaten up

Man shot after joking about voting for Trump

Professor taken for evaluation after tweets threatening to shoot white people

“racist incidents and harassment reported around the country under Donald Trump’s Great America.” Really, Trump’s Great America. I’m troubled by this thinking. Last I checked, and I do not think I’m wrong, most of the recent atrocities were committed under President Obama’s watch. Trump isn’t in office yet. I’m NOT a

We need to accept the results of the election and not engage in conspiracy theories. I won’t be like Donald trump and refuse to accept how the country voted.

How strong is the evidence of these thefts? What was the nature of the thefts?

None of these, except one that I can find, are videos. Even the news anchor video isn’t directly attributed to Trump.